The Science of Fall Foliage

Why do leaves change color and fall off the trees? I never asked this question when I was young since, I was preoccupied with jumping in leaf piles. But as I got older, I became interested in learning why the fall colors exist. The Colors Of Nature Summer During summer, the leaves of most trees are green because of a pigment called Chlorophyll. This pigment is produced throughout summer to maintain the green foliage color. Fall However, other pigments exist in the leaves that we can only see in fall. These pigments include: The long summer days are ideal for […]

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Fall Container Garden & Planter Ideas

As summer winds down, many of us have gorgeous annuals that continue to put on a show. However, some annuals may be winding down as the summer heat takes its toll, resulting in plants that look tired. In recent years, many gardeners have extended the growing season by adding fall container displays. These plantings consist of annuals, perennials, branches, and even artificial décor to add color to the late-season landscape. You don’t have to remove all your summer plants to create a fall display. It’s good to leave the ones that are growing well and make them part of the […]

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Fall Gardening: September Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

For many of us, September is a transition month from summer to fall. We can get a head start on the cooler weather by accomplishing a few tasks in the landscape. Here are a few tips to get you started. Veggies and Herbs Trees and Shrubs Annuals and Houseplants Perennials and Bulbs Special Notes Also, less visible soil in the garden means less sunlight for weeds to germinate. However, there’s a difference between full and overgrown. A full garden bed will have plants that fill in the extra space without crowding out each other. Remember, there’s still time to enjoy […]

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Tips For Gardening Success: Healthy Soil

Did you know a handful of soil contains billions of microorganisms? These tiny beings are responsible for improving soil structure and providing vital nutrients for our plants. Healthy Garden Soil A healthy garden begins with healthy soil that provides our plants with the right amount of water, nutrients, and air. As you examine your garden, you may notice that some plants haven’t grown as expected, causing you to look for the source of the problem. Before we add plants to a garden, we should check the soil. Soil is made of several materials, including sand, silt, and clay. A balance […]

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5 Fruit Trees You Can Easily Grow

Fresh Produce at Your Fingertips Isn’t it amazing to wake up to the sweet smell of nature, the rustling of leaves, and the anticipation of biting into a juicy, ripe fruit plucked straight from your own backyard? There’s something magical about plucking a sun-kissed fruit straight from the tree and taking that first, delicious bite. Imagine having that experience right in your own backyard!  In today’s post, we’ll be sharing with you five fruit trees you can plant to transform your backyard into a bountiful oasis. So grab a trowel and put on your gardening gloves. Let’s turn your outdoor […]

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Broccoli Gardening Guide

Welcome to the world of broccoli gardening, where vibrant green heads of nutrition and flavor flourish in your own backyard! This gardening guide is your gateway to cultivating these wholesome cruciferous gems, whether you’re a seasoned horticulturist or a budding green thumb. Discover the secrets to nurturing healthy seedlings, and creating an optimal growing environment. From essential care tips to pest management and harvest techniques, our guide equips you with all the knowledge needed to grow bountiful broccoli crops. Get ready to embark on a delicious and rewarding journey of cultivating this versatile superfood! Broccoli Care At A Glance Broccoli […]

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Easy Tips For Vegetable Harvest & Storage 

If you are like me, your garden is full of produce ready to be picked, and you may find yourself overwhelmed with everything that is ripening at once. Fortunately, most vegetables can be stored or preserved until you are ready to eat them. Preserving The Vegetable Harvest If you are hoping to keep vegetables longer, consider preserving them by freezing, drying, canning, or pickling. The steps to preserving them are more complex than simply storing them, but you can have a stable supply of vegetables all winter! You can freeze nearly any vegetable to keep them good for eating. Blanching […]

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7 Spectacular New Irises for 2023

German Bearded Iris, scientifically known as Iris germanica, is a magnificent and highly sought-after flower. Renowned for its breathtaking beauty, this perennial plant boasts large, vibrant blooms in a myriad of colors, ranging from delicate pastels to bold, saturated hues. The distinguishing feature of the German Bearded Iris is its “beard,” a row of fuzzy, elongated petals that adds an intriguing touch to its already enchanting appearance. With their elegant form and captivating fragrance, German Bearded Iris flowers are not only a favorite among garden enthusiasts but also a popular choice for stunning floral arrangements and bouquets. About Town German […]

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How To Prevent & Control Weeds

Each year is different in the garden, but you can always count on weeds showing up. The definition of a weed is simply this: A plant that is out of place. This means you can have good plants that become weeds or are always considered weeds. An example is wild violets, which are desirable natives for some gardeners, but a weed for others. Today we’ll be looking at plants considered weeds by most gardeners, along with information on managing them. We’ll always encounter weeds, but we can minimize their presence in the garden by taking steps to make the landscape […]

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Controlling Common Vegetable Garden Pests

If you’ve grown veggies before, you understand the satisfaction of harvesting the fruits of your labor. But you also know the struggles of dealing with insect pests intent on consuming the harvest for you. Each type of vegetable is prone to certain insect pests, so it’s crucial to scout your crops to minimize their impact regularly. Today we’ll look at common insect pests and how to manage them in your garden. Keep in mind these are only some insect pests you may encounter, and most insect species are beneficial for your plants. To learn more about insect pests, head to […]

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