Easy Ways To Create A Mindful Garden From Scratch

Gardening is a wonderful way to enhance your well-being while connecting with nature. Not only is it a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, but it can help you to relax since caring for live plants can relieve fatigue and stress. Moreover, it can be an excellent mindful activity since gardening requires focus, and you need to be physically present for it. In an interview with The New York Times, English psychiatrist Sue Stuart-Smith explains how gardening, which enables people to work with nature’s energy, can be a form of meditation. “People often describe losing themselves in the […]

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How To Create A Rain Garden

Picture this: it’s a hot summer day, and you’re heading to the garden to water your plants when suddenly, a rainstorm arrives, and you don’t have to water them anymore. For many of us, that’s a dream come true. However, the excess water from these rain events can end up on roads and sidewalks, causing less water to be absorbed by the soil. As the water runs along the road, it may pick up pollutants and other debris, which may end up in lakes and rivers. A great way to reroute some of this water is creating a rain garden, […]

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