5 Beginner-Friendly Tips for Planting Bearded Irises

Irises are easy-to-grow flowers and require minimal maintenance. These perennials are a gardener’s delight and are known for their vibrant hues and intricate patterns. Here are five essential tips to ensure your iris bulbs flourish: When & Where To Plant Preparing The Soil Planting Depth & Spacing Watering & Mulching Iris Maintenance & Care By following these tips, you’ll create the ideal conditions for your Irises to thrive, rewarding you with their beautiful blooms year after year. Other Recommended Reading At Jung Seed Co, we strive to be your go-to guide for all your gardening needs. Our YouTube channel, The Garden […]

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Summer Gardening: June Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

As we turn the calendar to summer, it’s time to focus on garden maintenance. However, it’s not too late for planting if you got off to a delayed start, so take the time to get those last-minute veggies or annuals in the ground or containers. Fertilizing In The Summer As your container annuals get settled in, you can feed them with all-purpose fertilizer to provide an extra boost. You can also fertilize in-ground annuals. And depending on the fertilizer, it’s usually recommended to fertilize every 7-14 days. You can also fertilize other landscape plants, but one key to healthy growth […]

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8 Unusual Fruits To Grow

What’s your favorite fruit? This question suggests apples, grapes, oranges for many of us, but how about Goumi or Jostaberry? Jung offers an assortment of popular and lesser-known fruits. While some of these are less common, their unique qualities make them a tasty and low-maintenance addition to the landscape. Let’s dive in! Currant Currants are like gooseberries, with many of the same growing requirements and uses. And while they’re self-fruitful, 3 to 4 plants are ideal for a family. You can grow red, black, or white currants. Still, red is the most popular for gardeners, especially ‘Red Lake.’ Black currants […]

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8 Easy Fall Garden Cleanup Tasks

The days are turning shorter and cooler as the growing season ends. As gardeners, it’s hard to let go of the plants we’ve been nurturing for the last six months, but there are many tasks we can accomplish to prepare for next year’s garden. Garden Notes Now is an excellent time to make final notes and take photos for planning for next spring. Having garden notes allows us to dream of warmer days as winter progresses. If you haven’t already, request a copy of the latest Jung Seed catalog to inspire you for next year. Mulching & Composting If you’re […]

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The Science of Fall Foliage

Why do leaves change color and fall off the trees? I never asked this question when I was young since, I was preoccupied with jumping in leaf piles. But as I got older, I became interested in learning why the fall colors exist. The Colors Of Nature Summer During summer, the leaves of most trees are green because of a pigment called Chlorophyll. This pigment is produced throughout summer to maintain the green foliage color. Fall However, other pigments exist in the leaves that we can only see in fall. These pigments include: The long summer days are ideal for […]

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Fall Container Garden & Planter Ideas

As summer winds down, many of us have gorgeous annuals that continue to put on a show. However, some annuals may be winding down as the summer heat takes its toll, resulting in plants that look tired. In recent years, many gardeners have extended the growing season by adding fall container displays. These plantings consist of annuals, perennials, branches, and even artificial décor to add color to the late-season landscape. You don’t have to remove all your summer plants to create a fall display. It’s good to leave the ones that are growing well and make them part of the […]

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Fall Gardening: September Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

For many of us, September is a transition month from summer to fall. We can get a head start on the cooler weather by accomplishing a few tasks in the landscape. Here are a few tips to get you started. Veggies and Herbs Trees and Shrubs Annuals and Houseplants Perennials and Bulbs Special Notes Also, less visible soil in the garden means less sunlight for weeds to germinate. However, there’s a difference between full and overgrown. A full garden bed will have plants that fill in the extra space without crowding out each other. Remember, there’s still time to enjoy […]

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Tips For Gardening Success: Healthy Soil

Did you know a handful of soil contains billions of microorganisms? These tiny beings are responsible for improving soil structure and providing vital nutrients for our plants. Healthy Garden Soil A healthy garden begins with healthy soil that provides our plants with the right amount of water, nutrients, and air. As you examine your garden, you may notice that some plants haven’t grown as expected, causing you to look for the source of the problem. Before we add plants to a garden, we should check the soil. Soil is made of several materials, including sand, silt, and clay. A balance […]

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New 2023 Summer/Fall Garden Catalog Review

As the warmth of summer settles in and the vibrant colors of spring begin to fade, it’s important not to forget that the gardening journey doesn’t end there. Summer and fall bring their own unique opportunities to cultivate nature’s beauty and harvest a bountiful harvest. While the scorching sun may pose challenges, it also offers a chance to grow heat-loving plants like tomatoes, peppers, and sunflowers. Embrace the longer days and create an oasis of green with vibrant flowers, cascading vines, and luscious foliage. And as the leaves start to fall, don’t let the fading light dampen your gardening spirit. […]

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Selecting Shrubs for Colorful Foliage

As I look through my old garden photos, I’m reminded of the impact of foliage plants on the landscape. Shrubs, in particular, can provide you with color that continues to draw interest. The color of these shrubs is often amplified by their unique leaf texture or plant structure. Today, we’ll look at shrubs that offer exceptional color on the leaves. In addition to striking foliage, many of these shrubs have attractive flowers. These shrubs range from small and compact to large and more spreading. Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla) A spreading shrub that fills in large sites and is often used to […]

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