Create a Patriotic Planter: Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting an American Flag with Flowers

Celebrate the Fourth of July by bringing a touch of patriotism to your home with planters that resemble the American flag. Using vibrant red, white, and blue flowers, you can create a beautiful and festive display that honors the spirit of Independence Day. Follow this step-by-step guide to craft your very own American flag planters. Step 1: Select Your Planters Before you begin, gather all the necessary materials. Choose three small to medium planters (or one large planter divided into three sections) deep enough to accommodate the roots of your chosen flowers and wide enough to create distinct sections for […]

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Summer Gardening: June Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

As we turn the calendar to summer, it’s time to focus on garden maintenance. However, it’s not too late for planting if you got off to a delayed start, so take the time to get those last-minute veggies or annuals in the ground or containers. Fertilizing In The Summer As your container annuals get settled in, you can feed them with all-purpose fertilizer to provide an extra boost. You can also fertilize in-ground annuals. And depending on the fertilizer, it’s usually recommended to fertilize every 7-14 days. You can also fertilize other landscape plants, but one key to healthy growth […]

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Dahlia Gardening Guide

Dahlias, with their stunning array of colors, shapes, and sizes, are a favorite among gardeners looking to add vibrant, long-lasting beauty to their landscapes. Growing dahlias might seem daunting, but with a little guidance and patience, you will be rewarded with a spectacular display from mid-summer to the first frost. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully grow and maintain these captivating flowers, ensuring your garden flourishes. Understanding Dahlia Tubers Dahlia tubers are bulbus storage roots. When fully mature they grow in a circular starfish-like pattern with several tubers attached to a central crown. […]

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Shade Garden Design Ideas

What comes to mind when you think of gardening in the shade? For me, it’s a chance to think outside the box and grow a unique garden. In some ways, shade can be limiting, but many plants will thrive in these conditions. Advantages of Gardening in Shade The shade allows you to combine colors and textures and create a peaceful space in your garden. If you have mature trees, consider underplanting them with perennials and making a walking path that weaves visitors through the garden. Add seating areas for those hot summer days when you need somewhere cool to relax […]

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Discovering & Growing Woodland Wildflowers

There are many plants we can talk about this time of year, so let’s take a moment to enjoy the early-season natives that are filling the forests with color. Their appearance is brief, but these beauties are a great source of joy after a long winter. One of my early childhood memories is traveling to our family cabin in spring and seeing carpets of trilliums covering the forests along the highway. I encourage you to explore your local forests and look for woodland wildflowers. And guess what? You can grow these plants at home too! What Are Woodland Wildflowers? This […]

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Cicada Emergence 2024: Protecting Your Garden & Landscape

Have you ever heard the buzz of cicadas on a hot summer afternoon? Their distinct sound carries across the landscape as a reminder that summer is upon us. These insects will be even more prominent this summer in certain parts of the country. Let’s dive in and learn about these fascinating insects and their effect on the landscape.  What Are Cicadas? Cicadas are a group of insects with over 1,300 species across the globe, with most of them living in tropical areas. They’re also closely related to leafhoppers and aphids. In the Midwest, we have nearly a dozen species of […]

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How To Create A Rain Garden

Picture this: it’s a hot summer day, and you’re heading to the garden to water your plants when suddenly, a rainstorm arrives, and you don’t have to water them anymore. For many of us, that’s a dream come true. However, the excess water from these rain events can end up on roads and sidewalks, causing less water to be absorbed by the soil. As the water runs along the road, it may pick up pollutants and other debris, which may end up in lakes and rivers. A great way to reroute some of this water is creating a rain garden, […]

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8 Unusual Fruits To Grow

What’s your favorite fruit? This question suggests apples, grapes, oranges for many of us, but how about Goumi or Jostaberry? Jung offers an assortment of popular and lesser-known fruits. While some of these are less common, their unique qualities make them a tasty and low-maintenance addition to the landscape. Let’s dive in! Currant Currants are like gooseberries, with many of the same growing requirements and uses. And while they’re self-fruitful, 3 to 4 plants are ideal for a family. You can grow red, black, or white currants. Still, red is the most popular for gardeners, especially ‘Red Lake.’ Black currants […]

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How To Create A Pizza Garden

Happy National Pizza Day! Each year on February 9th, the United States celebrates our love of pizza. According to National Today’s pizza survey, over 57% of Americans love pizza and 30% eat pizza at least once a week. There are many ways to celebrate this delicious food including creating and growing your own pizza garden. Select Your Favorite Pizza Toppings Pizza preferences vary widely among individuals. While some delight in the savory combination of mushrooms and peppers, others find solace in the comforting familiarity of tomato and garlic. The first step to creating a pizza garden begins with selecting the […]

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New 2024 Spring Garden Catalog Review

The arrival of Jung Seed’s Spring Catalog for 2024 is exciting news for avid gardeners. It is an opportunity to explore new varieties and rediscover old favorites, whether one is gearing up for the spring garden or planning ahead for the summer. The catalog is a treasure trove of inspiration for everyone. As we immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature’s cycles, it is wonderful to have resources like Jung Seed to accompany us on our gardening journey. Do you have any specific plants or varieties from the catalog that caught your eye for this upcoming season? Annuals Annual plants […]

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