Cicada Emergence 2024: Protecting Your Garden & Landscape

Have you ever heard the buzz of cicadas on a hot summer afternoon? Their distinct sound carries across the landscape as a reminder that summer is upon us. These insects will be even more prominent this summer in certain parts of the country. Let’s dive in and learn about these fascinating insects and their effect on the landscape.  What Are Cicadas? Cicadas are a group of insects with over 1,300 species across the globe, with most of them living in tropical areas. They’re also closely related to leafhoppers and aphids. In the Midwest, we have nearly a dozen species of […]

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8 Easy Fall Garden Cleanup Tasks

The days are turning shorter and cooler as the growing season ends. As gardeners, it’s hard to let go of the plants we’ve been nurturing for the last six months, but there are many tasks we can accomplish to prepare for next year’s garden. Garden Notes Now is an excellent time to make final notes and take photos for planning for next spring. Having garden notes allows us to dream of warmer days as winter progresses. If you haven’t already, request a copy of the latest Jung Seed catalog to inspire you for next year. Mulching & Composting If you’re […]

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Controlling Common Vegetable Garden Pests

If you’ve grown veggies before, you understand the satisfaction of harvesting the fruits of your labor. But you also know the struggles of dealing with insect pests intent on consuming the harvest for you. Each type of vegetable is prone to certain insect pests, so it’s crucial to scout your crops to minimize their impact regularly. Today we’ll look at common insect pests and how to manage them in your garden. Keep in mind these are only some insect pests you may encounter, and most insect species are beneficial for your plants. To learn more about insect pests, head to […]

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A Quick Guide To Pesticides

Updated: August 8, 2024 Hey, what kind of bug is that?  Knowing the type of insect you are trying to eliminate is the first step to proper pest control. All insects have specific life cycles from egg, to nymph, to adult. The life stage in which they do the most damage might not be when they are most vulnerable to pesticides. Japanese beetles are a perfect example. As adults, they are extremely difficult or nearly impossible to control. They are most vulnerable in their larval life stage as grubs, in the ground feeding on turf grass roots. This is when […]

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Prevent 4 Common Potato Plant Problems

Potatoes are some of the easiest crops for home gardeners to grow, but this does not mean that they can’t have problems. Just like most garden vegetables, the best potato tubers come from the healthiest, well-cared-for plants. Don’t let common garden problems get the best of your potatoes. Be prepared and practice proper prevention to harvest some pretty potatoes this year. Skip The Scab Scab is probably the ugliest named garden disease, and it happens to affect several root-type veggies, but potatoes are impacted most. Scab is caused by soil bacteria called Streptomyces. There are several different pathogens but it’s […]

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Garden Pests: Japanese Beetles

Updated: July 9, 2024 Beating beetles back has become a necessary task added to most gardening routines nowadays. The reality is, for some years they will be very abundant and others less. Their numbers and pressure are cumulative. Effective control and management hinge on a multi-pronged approach to diminish their numbers. History Of The Japanese Beetle The Japanese Beetle comes from the island of Japan. In the early 1900s, it was illegal to import plants with soil. However, someone broke the law and brought Japanese Iris to the United States with it came some Japanese Beetle larvae. By 1916, nurseries […]

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Fall Bulb Planting Tips

Updated: October 17, 2024 With the weather cooling as we enter fall, it is time to start preparing for your spring flower garden. Fall is the optimal time to plant your bulbs so they are ready to bloom come springtime. Here are some tips when choosing, planting, and caring for your fall bulbs. Choosing Spring Blooming Bulbs For early blooms, try varieties of crocus, hyacinths, and be sure to add some snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) and glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa forbesii) which often bloom before the snow has even melted. The never-ending varieties of daffodils and tulips have such a wide range of […]

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Horticultural Oil For Pest Control

Gardening can be a rewarding experience. An important step in gardening is pest control. Without it, your crops could be destroyed. There is a wide variety of pest control products available which can create some confusion. Here are some things to know when deciding if horticultural oil is the right choice for your garden. Pesticide Categories Horticultural oils fall under the category of a pesticide. Pesticides are defined as any product used to kill pests. Pesticides fall into four categories, based on the type of pest they target: Insecticides – target insect pests Fungicides – target diseases Herbicides – target […]

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Deer-Resistant Gardening Tips

When you stop and contemplate how amazingly successful and adaptive deer have been in our urban environments, you have to simply admire them. They are even more adaptive than we are. The first element for us to recognize is that our homes, neighborhoods, and developments have encroached on their habitats and not the other way around.  Deer are not coming into our yards because they like our company, they are searching for a tasty meal that we’ve unintentionally provided. We, as gardeners and indeed humans, are forced into the awkward and embarrassing position of having to become smarter than they […]

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Rose Pests – Identification & Solutions

New and experienced rose growers know, there are a number of insect pests that are attracted to roses. These pests may affect flower development, the foliage or overall quality of a rose bush. These pests are not likely to destroy an entire plant, but they can severely damage or stunt parts of the plant. Any cosmetic damage done to your rose bush is unwanted! Regular inspection of your roses is important in order to minimize any damaging effects of insects. You may find evidence of leaf chewing, damage from piercing and sucking insects or other suspicious damage to a plant. […]

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