If you’re interested in gardening and are looking for some of the fastest-growing veggies to get you started, there are plenty of options. For any number of reasons, you may not be able to wait for your vegetables to mature. Maybe you don’t have much time left in your growing season or you just want as quick a return on your time investment as possible. Here are some quick growing vegetables that can go from seed to table in 90 days or less.
Arugula is an easy-to-grow leafy green that comes in a range of forms and flavors. It’s usually free from pests, can suppress its own disease problems, is cold tolerant, and can be grown in spring or fall. Your seeds will begin to sprout in four to six days and you’ll be able to harvest it in just 25 to 30 days.
Jung Top Choice for arugula is the Venetia Wild Rocket Arugula. It has a peppery flavor with bright green color and strong aroma. It can be planted year-round for baby leaf production, which is milder than the mature plant but is recommended for planting in spring and autumn.
Beets are generally free from pest or disease problems; they are an easy-to-grow annual plant. You can consume both the beet greens and the beet roots which are rich in vitamins A and C. You can harvest your beets somewhere between 50 to 65 days.
Jung Top Choice for beets is the Detroit Supreme Beet. These beets produce higher yields of smooth, uniform globe-shaped roots. The flesh is tender, fine-grained, and sweet. These are great for canning or pickling.
Bush Bean
Bush beans are ideal for small gardens and containers. They grow in bushes and don’t require any support, unlike pole beans. They’re a great source of vitamins A, C, and K, and of folic acid. They come in a wide variety of colors from green to yellow and even purple. You’ll be able to have these on your table in 50 to 70 days.
Jung Top Choice for the bush bean is the Jung Tricolor Bush Bean Blend. It is a special blend including green, yellow, and purple bush varieties.
Carrots are not only fast-growing but are also one of the easiest vegetables to grow. They can also be grown indoors in a pot in addition to growing outdoors. They also come in a range of sizes, shapes, and colors. You can eat carrots during any point in their growth cycle so you don’t necessarily need to wait for full maturation. Depending on the variety, carrots mature in 45 to 80 days.
Jung Top Choice is the Napoli Hybrid Carrot. It is a three-season carrot. You can harvest at 45-days for bright orange baby carrots or let them grow to 7 to 8 inch full-size. If you are looking for organic carrots, try our Yaya Organic Hybrid Carrot. It is bright orange with an extra sweet, mild flavor and a delicious crunch.
There are three types of cucumber – slicing, pickling, and seedless or hothouse. Slicing cucumbers generally have darker, waxier skin. Pickling cucumbers tend to be short and grown more uniformly. Seedless cucumbers are usually seen in the grocery store wrapped in plastic but they’re great to slice and eat the skin on. Depending on the variety, cucumbers mature in 45 to 70 days.
Jung Top Choice for cucumber is the Alibi Hybrid Cucumber. They are perfect for making pickles. If you keep picking, they’ll keep producing. These cucumbers have a very high level of disease resistance. If you are looking for an organic cucumber, try the Organic Pick A Bushel Hybrid Cucumber. They are well-suited for growing in patio containers as well as the garden. This variety has excellent heat tolerance and disease resistance. It is a 2014 AAS Winner!

Kale is a popular cruciferous vegetable that is actually one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. One cup of kale has 684% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin K. If you harvest it properly, that is taking the full stem and leaf, starting with the oldest leaves at the bottom, it will keep growing back. You can harvest your kale in about 45 to 85 days.
Jung Top Choice for kale is the Prizm Hybrid Kale. This variety can be grown in containers or in-ground. Excellent tasting with an almost nutty flavor making it great for salads but stands up to cooking well. It is a 2016 AAS Winner!

Lettuce is the most popular salad vegetable there is. There are three types – head, leaf, and romaine. It is very easy to grow. You can actually enjoy loose-leaf lettuces before they mature. Depending on the variety, lettuce matures in 45 to 68 days. Many varieties can be on your table in just 30 days.
Jung Top Choice for lettuce is the Green Ice Looseleaf Lettuce. The wavy, fringed leaves are a dark green color, tasty, firm and crisp. Leaves do not become bitter in hot weather, prolonging the harvest period. If you are looking for organic lettuce, try the Red Salad Bowl Organic Lettuce. This is an heirloom variety with a long harvest. It is mildly tender and delicious, never bitter. It is the perfect addition to salads.
Okra enjoys growing in warm temperatures and will grow fastest when it’s nice and hot out. The pods come in green or red. This is actually a beautiful plant as it grows as well because it produces flowers. It is easy to grow because it can tolerate different soil quality and not much moisture. Okra matures in 48 to 60 days.
Jung Top Choice for okra is the Jambalaya Hybrid Okra. While it is a compact plant with small leaves, they produce high yields. Mulched plants will thrive in the hottest gardens.
Pole Bean
Pole beans are easy to grow and productive over a long season. Pole beans are vigorous climbers and benefit from having a trellis or other support structures to support their vigorous growth. Harvesting pole beans regularly will help to keep the plants productive. Pole beans mature in 55 to 63 days.
Jung Top Choice for pole bean is the Kentucky Blue Pole Bean. This variety is easy to pick with a long, spread-out harvest season. It produces exceptional yields. It has a unique sweet flavor. The Kentucky Blue Pole Bean was a 1991 AAS Winner!
The radish is a root vegetable with a sharp flavor and is typically eaten raw. Grow them an inch deep and an inch apart. If you plant them 10 days apart you can have a continuous harvest. Both the radish root and radish greens are edible. Although, the greens aren’t recommended to eat raw because of the texture so they’re best cooked down until soft. Depending on the variety, radish mature in 25 – 45 days.
Jung Top Choice for radish is the German Giant Radish. You will be astonished at the size of this radish. You can begin pulling them when the size of a quarter. In our trials, we have had some growth as big as baseballs! Regardless of size, the roots remain sweet and crisp with no cracking. If you are looking for organic radish, try the French Breakfast Organic Radish. This heirloom variety has a mildly crisp yet tender flavor.
Spinach is a leafy green vegetable known for its nutritional value, especially iron. Spinach is a versatile veggie that can be eaten raw or cooked. Of all the salad greens spinach is the most popular choice to include in smoothies since the flavor and texture become undetectable when blended with fruit. Spinach matures in 25 – 35 days and when you harvest at least 2 inches from the soil, you will get a second harvest in four weeks.
Jung Top Choice for spinach is the Space Hybrid Spinach. It has the longest harvest period of any spinach. It is resistant to heat and mildew. Unlike most spinach, it can be planted in spring, summer, and fall.
Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable high in nutrients. Its harvesting season is longer than other similar greens such as kale or spinach. Like spinach, it has a lovely mild flavor that will easily work in soups or smoothies. Swiss chard matures in 50 – 60 days.
Jung Top Choice for swiss chard is the Bright Lights Swiss Chard. This vibrant Swiss chard has mild chard flavor and comes in a rainbow of colors. Begin harvesting this variety in 4 to 5 weeks and let them grow back for repeated enjoyment. It is a 1998 AAS Winner!
The turnip is another root vegetable that you can consume both the root and the greens. The greens can be eaten raw but tend to be bitter. Turnips grow best in cool weather. Turnips mature in 35 – 57 days.
Jung Top Choice for turnip is the Tokyo Cross Hybrid Turnip. It is a rapid grower with white flesh that is firm, crisp, fine-grained and mildly flavored. The seed can be sown as late as July. It is a 1969 AAS Winner! If you are looking for organic turnip, try the Purple Top White Globe Organic Turnip. It is America’s most well-known turnip. They are crisp with sweetly mild white flesh. This variety is best harvested when smaller.
The zucchini is summer squash. While it is cooked as a vegetable, the zucchini is actually a fruit. It is often green in color but also comes in yellow. You can start the seeds indoors before transplanting outside. Depending on the variety, zucchini matures in 32 – 53 days.
Jung Top Choice for zucchini is the Jung Summer Medley Squash. Our blend includes green and gold zucchini, crookneck, scallop types, and more. All are bush or semi-bush types.

Fast-growing vegetables can also be a way to sustain you while you wait for some longer growing produce to come. If you plant your veggies with different lengths of harvest times you can organize a year-round garden. If your goal is just to grow and harvest during a single season, many of the vegetables listed will help you do just that. Pick your favorite veggies and get planting.
Other Recommended Reading

- Companion Planting Article
- A Gardener’s Guide to Plant Nutrition
- Growing Vegetables Indoors From Seed
- 7 Heart Healthy Foods You Can Grow
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