If the plant’s roots have become so large they fill all the space in the pot, they can become stressed and won’t perform well, when it’s time to move them into the garden. To maintain proper growth and health for your plants, their roots require good air circulation and sufficient moisture for proper nutrient uptake. Before they become root-bound, make a plan for transplanting your plants into larger individual pots. Choose pots that are 2″ to 4″ in diameter and height or use the general rule that their new pots should offer about 25% more root space than it presently […]
Category: Vegetable Gardening
Seed Starting FAQ
Many types of seeds are easy to grow, but some may require specific temperature, light, or darkness. Detailed germination information is included on our seed packets, and carefully following these instructions is recommended. If no light requirements are stated, light does not play an important role in germination. Remember to plan ahead. It takes 2½ to 4 months for most annuals to bloom from seed. Seedlings are ready to set out in about 8 to 10 weeks. It’s a good idea to keep a garden journal. Keeping track of start dates, growing conditions, and transplant dates is always helpful for […]
Companion Planting Guide
When planning your vegetable garden, it is beneficial to learn the principles of companion planting to help you design a successful garden. What is Companion Planting? Companion plants are neighboring plants that will provide each other with additional beneficial nutrients and can provide an easy pest management strategy to help your garden flourish. Be careful, however, as some neighboring plants can have the opposite effect on each other. Before you start planting your garden, it is important to learn what plants should and should not be neighbors in your vegetable garden. Companion Planting Favorites Two plants all vegetable gardens can […]
Garlic Growing Guide
Updated: September 10, 2024 Homegrown, properly harvested and stored garlic provides a fresh flavor that can not be matched by any supermarket garlic. Garlic is relatively easy-to-grow. It is a hardy perennial vegetable, though it has a fairly long production season. It is a crop well worth considering for your garden. Types of Garlic There are two main types of garlic – softneck and hardneck (sometimes called “stiff neck”) forms. Softneck varieties generally produce more cloves per bulb and store longer than hardneck types. The same softneck garlic variety common in supermarkets can be grown in the garden. However, there […]
11 Holiday Gift Ideas Gardeners Will Love
If you have friends and family on your holiday gift list who cannot get enough of getting their hands dirty in their garden, we have made gift planning a little easier. Gardening is an activity that is tranquil, rewarding, and healthy. It is no wonder so many people take it up as a hobby. Whether doing indoor gardening to bring some green into the home or outdoor gardening to soak up that vitamin D, your loved one can enjoy their gifts all year round. This year Jung Seed has put together a special holiday gift guide full of fun, creative […]