7 Tips To Attracting Reptiles, Toads, & Frogs To Your Garden

Whether you love reptiles or not, no good garden is complete without them! Garden reptiles eat critters you would rather not have around your home and plants, including slugs, grubs, caterpillars, sowbugs, crickets, roaches, worms, firefly larvae, grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, termites, and rodents. Herps are a great way to bring more life to your garden and get rid of unwanted pests. Herps are short for herptiles and it stands for reptiles and amphibians. There are some easy ways to welcome them into your garden and encourage them to stay.  Here are 7 ways to provide water, food, and shelter that […]

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15 Best Plants for Pollinators

This year Earth Day is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Every year on April 22nd people get together to plan a better future for the planet. Every small change can have a significant impact on how successfully our ecosystem continues to function. Adding plants to a garden that attracts pollinators will ensure that you get to enjoy the beauty of bees, birds, and butterflies. They play a crucial part in food supply and vegetation around the world. What is a pollinator? These are the birds, bees, beetles, butterflies, wasps, ants, flies, moths, and even mosquitos. A pollinator is the carrier of […]

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How to Create a Bird-Friendly Garden

One of the joys of having a home garden is that you can attract some nature friends like birds. They make a garden more pleasant to be in and are a wonderful natural insect repellent. Various bird species feed on seeds, fruits, and insects. A few enhancements and considerations will increase the likelihood that your avian friends will be attracted to your garden or even make it their home. Birds play an integral role in the ecosystem as well because they are also seed dispersers. Creating your own happy garden can actually create happy unintentional gardens for your neighbors as […]

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