Should I protect my roses in winter? We often hear this question, and the short answer is “It depends.” From shrub roses to hybrid teas and floribundas, roses have different levels of cold tolerance. Roses also come in two categories: grafted or own root. Grafted plants consist of two parts: a rootstock and a scion. The rootstock is the lower portion of the plant, including the base of the stems and roots. At the same time, the scion is the upper portion that creates flowers. When a grafted rose dies back, it often sends out new growth in spring from […]
Category: Winter Gardening
Make Your Landscape A Winter Wildlife Refuge
Have you heard the phrase “things are not as they appear”? Our gardens look quiet in winter, but they’re full of life. From birds to squirrels and insects, these critters are fighting for survival. Check out these tips for supporting wildlife during the coldest time of year. And for patio gardeners, there are tips for you, too! How To Provide Winter Shelter In Your Garden Perennial Stems As winter settles in, you can provide shelter for animals. For birds and other small creatures, consider leaving the old stems of perennials until spring. Those stems look unimportant, but they’re often filled […]
How To Propagate Houseplants
Updated: December 17, 2024 Houseplants keep growing in popularity, and it’s no surprise when you consider how many new and improved plants are becoming available each year. Also, studies have shown houseplants provide many health benefits, like reduced stress and better air quality for your home. As winter settles in, you may think of ways to grow your houseplant collection or make your living space greener. Now is a great time to propagate your plants to fill empty spots in your home or share with family and friends. Propagation is a term that refers to plant reproduction, which occurs by […]
Grow Light Basics
When I was younger, my mom and I stopped at a garden center and came across a lemon tree. I knew very little about growing citrus, but I was intrigued by the idea of growing citrus fruit in Wisconsin, so we bought it. As winter approached, it was time to bring the lemon tree indoors for its first winter, which meant finding the right grow light to keep the tree healthy. A quick online search reveals many types of grow lights, but how do we find the right kind of lights for our plants? Let’s find out what makes a […]
8 Easy Fall Garden Cleanup Tasks
The days are turning shorter and cooler as the growing season ends. As gardeners, it’s hard to let go of the plants we’ve been nurturing for the last six months, but there are many tasks we can accomplish to prepare for next year’s garden. Garden Notes Now is an excellent time to make final notes and take photos for planning for next spring. Having garden notes allows us to dream of warmer days as winter progresses. If you haven’t already, request a copy of the latest Jung Seed catalog to inspire you for next year. Mulching & Composting If you’re […]
8 Popular Evergreens To Grow
Now is the perfect time to observe the evergreens in our landscapes. You may be growing evergreens or would like to grow them. Either way, there are ample benefits to having these unique plants. The leaves of evergreens conserve moisture during summer and winter, allowing them to photosynthesize and provide greenery year-round. You can find evergreens in northern and southern climates. Today, we’ll focus on species suitable for the north, where winters are long and cold. The majority of these conifers are native to the U.S. Arborvitae (Thuga occidentalis) White cedar is a common name for this popular tree. In […]
Creating Winter Interest In Your Landscapes
Winter can be dreary but also beautiful. In the Midwest, we enjoy the snow that blankets our gardens, creating a peaceful scene for us to enjoy. However, our long winters often have us looking for additional beauty in our landscape. You can use a variety of trees, shrubs, and perennials to add interest to the garden using features that include peeling bark, seedheads, or colorful stems. One example is the River Birch (Betula nigra). My parents have this tree in their yard, and it always stands out when I visit them. The peeling bark is also multicolored, adding to its […]
Winter Sowing Garden Guide
Updated: January 9, 2025 The cold has arrived. As gardeners, we find ourselves longing for spring, when our gardens come back to life and we can spend time outside. It’s tempting to believe we can’t plant anything now, but there is a way to plant seeds for next spring. Winter sowing is a type of planting that involves planting seeds outdoors in winter. It sounds too easy, but it works! Many hardy annuals and perennials can be sown in winter to give plants a head start in spring. What is Winter Sowing? To answer this question, we’ll look at the […]
4 Festive Holiday Plants
Updated: December 5, 2024 The weather outside is frightful, but the indoor temperature is delightful. As you head to the nursery this time of year, you’ll see an assortment of plants produced for the Christmas season. Among those plants are poinsettias, a popular shrub known for its red bracts (a type of leaf). There are other species you can grow this time of year too. As a bonus, many of these plants can be grown as houseplants throughout the year. Let’s examine the various holiday plants and consider how to make them thrive beyond Christmas. Poinsettias Poinsettias are popular for […]
How To Create Winter Container Displays
November is a quiet time in the garden. The perennials, trees, and shrubs have entered dormancy and show few signs of life. Birds have migrated, and the pollinators have begun their hibernation. If that’s not enough, the days are cold and dark, making it difficult to enjoy the outdoors. Fortunately, there’s a way to create a festive look in the landscape this time of year, especially with containers. Winter containers are gaining popularity as gardeners realize their unique contribution to the landscape. Container displays can brighten your patio, balcony, or driveway. You can also display containers in your garden. Here’s […]