Victory gardens hold a piece of American history. They emerged during a time when food shortages were a very real problem we were facing in the U.S. during World War I and II. Civilians were encouraged to “Grow for Victory” to grow and harvest their own victory produce so that more commercially produced food could be sent to our troops. This was, of course, pre-Facebook sharing era, so the message was passed around in women’s groups and local groups. The government provided pamphlets on how to take care of these war gardens and how to preserve and can foods. Eventually, as the war ended and food shortages stopped, so did the desire of the people to continue gardening this way.
Benefits Of Home Gardening

During these trying times, people are looking for ways to enjoy their time at home. Gardening not only provides fresh fruits and veggies, but it is also something to look forward to daily as we watch it grow. Once again our great country is coming together to do our part. We’re all contributing in different ways to stay healthy. Working in a garden is an enjoyable activity and fresh fruits and veggies are an integral part of maintaining a healthy immune system.
Gardening can provide time to decompress and also to be outside in the sun whilst also keeping a safe social distance. There’s all the love and sweat equity that you’ve poured into your own garden which will make it taste sweeter than anything a grocery store can provide. If you plant foods like lettuce and blackberries, you’ll attract some birds to your garden and they’ll be your best pesticide friend as they snack on any bugs that come near your homegrown masterpieces.
What Should You Plant In Your Garden?

Start by planting your favorite salad. What I mean by this is that you should plant the produce that you’re going to actually eat. When you go to the grocery store, which veggies are you picking up and actually eating? Those are the ones to plant now. You can plant a full range of vegetables, fruits, and herbs you’ll be seasoning them with.

Some delicious garden options are bush beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, sweet corn, onions, lettuce, potatoes, and peas. Dill, basil, parsley, and chives are so easy to grow that you almost can’t mess them up. Carrots are fast-growing and versatile. Keep your garden simple and you will always enjoy what you produce.
How To Get Started

Start with this Victory Garden Collection to get the most out of your garden. You can create raised bed victory gardens or create a garden patch in your yard.
Victory Garden Plans/Layout
The image below is a Victory Garden plan for our Deluxe Collection which feeds a family of six. The layout includes the optimal distance and rotation. Did you know some vegetables grow better next to others? Check out our Companion Planting Guide.
Click to Enlarge
Gift A Garden

Many of us are looking for ways to help one another or know someone that would benefit from creating their own garden. Send seeds to your friends or family who will enjoy getting their hands in the dirt and getting outside in the sun.
Gardening is a great way to pass the time in isolation whether you’re in solitude or surrounded by several people. When we plant and harvest we grow in more ways than just what we produce in the garden.
Other Recommended Reading

- Seed Saving: 4 Important Questions To Consider Before Starting
- Sow Seeds Of Victory: Planting A Victory Garden
- 22 Easy To Grow Vegetable Seeds
- Seed Starting FAQ
- Transplanting Seedlings
- Starting Annual Flower Seeds Indoors

At Jung Seed Co, we strive to be your go-to guide for all your gardening needs. Our YouTube channel Jung Garden Center now includes our new video series All Things Green where our experts provide gardening tips for all levels of gardeners. When you need reliable gardening advice, turn to the trusted experts at Jung.
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