On average, Americans eat 16 pounds of apples each year. Imagine picking those apples off your trees and enjoying them for months. Whether you have lots of space or a small patio, apple trees come in many sizes, allowing you to grow them nearly anywhere. Understanding the Characteristics of Different Apple Tree Varieties Remember, you’ll need two varieties to have fruit since apples cross-pollinate. Jung offers four basic types of apples, along with dozens of varieties. Here’s an overview of each tree. Overview of Apple Tree Anatomy Apple trees have two main parts, called the scion and rootstock. The bottom […]
Category: Growing Guides
Honeyberry / Haskap Growing Guide
If you’re looking for a hardy, easy-to-grow plant that brings delicious, blueberry-like fruits to your garden, look no further than Honeyberry, also known as Haskap. These remarkable bushes can withstand frigid temperatures down to -40°F, making them a perfect choice for colder climates. They bloom in March with small, white, slightly fragrant flowers, setting the stage for fruit ripening about two weeks before strawberries. The berries are similar in color and flavor to large blueberries and are a delightful treat for early-season harvesting. With few pest or disease issues, these plants are low-maintenance and thrive with little fuss. While they […]
Dahlia Gardening Guide
Dahlias, with their stunning array of colors, shapes, and sizes, are a favorite among gardeners looking to add vibrant, long-lasting beauty to their landscapes. Growing dahlias might seem daunting, but with a little guidance and patience, you will be rewarded with a spectacular display from mid-summer to the first frost. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully grow and maintain these captivating flowers, ensuring your garden flourishes. Understanding Dahlia Tubers Dahlia tubers are bulbus storage roots. When fully mature they grow in a circular starfish-like pattern with several tubers attached to a central crown. […]
7 Environmental Factors To Consider With Gardening
As you look at plants in the nursery or online, you’ll probably notice a reference to growing or USDA zones. An example is Summer Crush® Hydrangea, which lists a growing zone of 4-9. Hardiness Zone Map These numbers are based on a map created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to help gardeners determine the type of plants likely to thrive in different locations. The zones on the map show the average minimum winter temperatures for a given area. For example, Zone 6 includes areas where the average lowest temperature in winter goes down to -10°F. A few cities in […]
Broccoli Gardening Guide
Updated: February 6, 2025 Welcome to the world of broccoli gardening, where vibrant green heads of nutrition and flavor flourish in your own backyard! This gardening guide is your gateway to cultivating these wholesome cruciferous gems, whether you’re a seasoned horticulturist or a budding green thumb. Discover the secrets to nurturing healthy seedlings, and creating an optimal growing environment. From essential care tips to pest management and harvest techniques, our guide equips you with all the knowledge needed to grow bountiful broccoli crops. Get ready to embark on a delicious and rewarding journey of cultivating this versatile superfood! Broccoli Care […]
Carrot Gardening Guide
Carrots, with their vibrant orange hue and crisp, earthy flavor, have long been a beloved staple in kitchens and gardens around the world. These versatile root vegetables not only add a burst of color and crunch to salads, stews, and stir-fries but also boast an array of health benefits. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice enthusiast, cultivating your own carrots can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. From selecting the right varieties to nurturing them through each stage of growth, the journey of growing carrots allows you to connect with the earth, witness nature’s wonders, and ultimately enjoy […]
Blueberry Gardening Guide
Blueberries are a delicious and nutritious fruit that can be grown easily in many regions. Whether you are an experienced gardener or just starting out, growing your own blueberries can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Not only do they provide a bountiful harvest of sweet, juicy berries, but they also offer a host of health benefits, including antioxidants and vitamins. In this guide, we will cover the planting and maintenance to grow blueberries. Blueberry Quick Tips Blueberry Planting Guide When To Plant Blueberry Bushes Dormant, bareroot blueberries may be planted as soon as the ground can be worked in […]
An Easy Peasy Guide To Growing Peas
St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of Irish culture and heritage. One of the most popular ways to do this is by planting peas, a crop that is closely associated with the holiday. Peas are nutritious and delicious vegetables that are easy to grow in a home garden. They are a cool-weather crop that can be planted as early as mid-March, making St. Patrick’s Day the perfect time to get started. St. Patrick’s Day Pea Planting The tradition of planting peas on St. Patrick’s Day has existed for centuries in Ireland. It is said that St. Patrick himself encouraged the […]
Popcorn Growing Guide
National popcorn day is here, and one of the best ways to enjoy this delicious treat is by growing it in your garden. Jung Seed has several varieties that provide ornamental value and a tasty snack. Today, we’ll look at how to grow and harvest popcorn from the garden while examining the unique types you can grow. What Is Popcorn? Many of you are familiar with this popular food, but what makes popcorn different than sweet corn? Popcorn is a type of corn with smaller kernels than other corn. Another key difference is their harvest time. Unlike sweet corn, popcorn […]
Strawberry Growing Guide
Updated: October 2, 2024 One of the most popular fruits to grow in home gardens is strawberries. They are easy to grow and can be grown in small spaces such as containers or baskets. Strawberries are not only bursting with flavor but they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. You can enjoy them freshly picked from the garden or in your cooking such as cakes, jams, and salads. Here are some helpful tips for growing an abundance of strawberries in your garden. Strawberry Culture At A Glance Types of Strawberries There are two types of strawberries – June-bearing and Everbearing/Day-Neutral. […]