Should I protect my roses in winter? We often hear this question, and the short answer is “It depends.” From shrub roses to hybrid teas and floribundas, roses have different levels of cold tolerance. Roses also come in two categories: grafted or own root. Grafted plants consist of two parts: a rootstock and a scion. The rootstock is the lower portion of the plant, including the base of the stems and roots. At the same time, the scion is the upper portion that creates flowers. When a grafted rose dies back, it often sends out new growth in spring from […]
Category: Roses
Easy Ways To Create A Mindful Garden From Scratch
Gardening is a wonderful way to enhance your well-being while connecting with nature. Not only is it a great way to get some fresh air and exercise, but it can help you to relax since caring for live plants can relieve fatigue and stress. Moreover, it can be an excellent mindful activity since gardening requires focus, and you need to be physically present for it. In an interview with The New York Times, English psychiatrist Sue Stuart-Smith explains how gardening, which enables people to work with nature’s energy, can be a form of meditation. “People often describe losing themselves in the […]
New 2024 Spring Garden Catalog Review
The arrival of Jung Seed’s Spring Catalog for 2024 is exciting news for avid gardeners. It is an opportunity to explore new varieties and rediscover old favorites, whether one is gearing up for the spring garden or planning ahead for the summer. The catalog is a treasure trove of inspiration for everyone. As we immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature’s cycles, it is wonderful to have resources like Jung Seed to accompany us on our gardening journey. Do you have any specific plants or varieties from the catalog that caught your eye for this upcoming season? Annuals Annual plants […]
Garden Trends: Color of the Year 2024
As you embark on the journey of planning your garden for the upcoming year, explore the plethora of new offerings at Jung Seed. With an array of choices at your fingertips, the task of selection may seem daunting. A strategic approach to finding inspiration could involve aligning your choices with the Color of the Year. For 2024, Pantone has chosen Peach Fuzz 13-1023 as the hue of choice. To streamline your decision-making process, we’ve curated a selection of our favorite plants inspired by this captivating shade. Anne Fall Bearing Raspberry Anne Fall is the largest, best-tasting, highest-quality yellow raspberry. The […]
8 Easy Fall Garden Cleanup Tasks
The days are turning shorter and cooler as the growing season ends. As gardeners, it’s hard to let go of the plants we’ve been nurturing for the last six months, but there are many tasks we can accomplish to prepare for next year’s garden. Garden Notes Now is an excellent time to make final notes and take photos for planning for next spring. Having garden notes allows us to dream of warmer days as winter progresses. If you haven’t already, request a copy of the latest Jung Seed catalog to inspire you for next year. Mulching & Composting If you’re […]
9 Most Popular Flowers for Valentine’s Day
Updated: February 17, 2025 Valentine’s Day originated in the 17th century in Great Britain. During the 18th century, the custom of giving flowers was brought back from Persia by King Charles XII of Sweden. Roses were the primary flower of choice as it was considered the favorite flower of Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. The tradition has evolved such that many different flowers are given for Valentine’s Day. Here are 9 of the most popular flowers currently being exchanged to express one’s love. Alstroemeria The exotic flowers of Alstroemeria, or Peruvian Lily, are used in cut flower arrangements, but […]
Garden Trends: Color of the Year 2023
As you start planning your garden for 2023, there are many new items available at Jung Seed. With so many choices to choose from how do you decide? One way would be to get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Viva Magenta. It is described as “a new animated red that revels in pure joy, encouraging experimentation and self-expression without restraint, an electrifying, and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement. PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta welcomes anyone and everyone with the same verve for life and rebellious spirit. It […]
Bareroot vs Potted Plants: What Is The Difference?
Updated: March 19, 2025 Bareroot or Potted Plants? That Is The Question. Just like Hamlet, who asks himself the simple question, “To be or not to be?”, we sometimes let our minds delve way too deeply into basic questions and we can slip into a sort of contemplative paralysis. Instead of allowing ourselves to be immobilized by such a simple choice, all home gardeners should rejoice at the sheer number of selections and wide availability of plants at our fingertips. A never-ending variety of edible and ornamental shrubs and trees have never been so available to us, thanks to the […]
Choosing The Right Vine For The Right Space
Vines and climbing plants have an almost mystical way of enticing us in. They connect us and our man-made structures to the earth. Vines soften hardscapes and can offer a wall of green for privacy. Many vining plants can provide a curtain of nectar flowers for hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators. Some vines are exotic, and some are native that just look like they are exotic. Here are some suggestions and growing tips to make the most out of vines. Selecting Your Location Just like choosing any other garden plant, we must first ask some simple questions; Where will this […]
15 Garden Trends: 2022 Color Of The Year
2022 has arrived! It is time to start planning your garden. Jung Seed has a wide variety of new items this year. How do you choose from so many wonderful options? Why not get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Very Peri, a blueish-purple color. It is described as “displaying carefree confidence and a daring curiosity that animates our creative spirit, inquisitive and intriguing PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri helps us to embrace this altered landscape of possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we rewrite our lives. Rekindling gratitude for […]