As you start planning your garden for 2023, there are many new items available at Jung Seed. With so many choices to choose from how do you decide? One way would be to get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Viva Magenta. It is described as “a new animated red that revels in pure joy, encouraging experimentation and self-expression without restraint, an electrifying, and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement. PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta welcomes anyone and everyone with the same verve for life and rebellious spirit. It is a color that is audacious, full of wit, and inclusive of all.” To assist in your decision process, we have picked out some of our favorite Viva Magenta-inspired plants.
Double Hot Cherry Profusion Hybrid Zinnia
The longest-blooming reliable zinnias you can grow! Plants form spreading mounds up to 18 inches wide, displaying loads of 2-inch blooms early in the season. They take cold, heat, drought, and humidity in stride.
Double Play® Candy Corn® Spirea
Colorful foliage all season long. Leaves emerge red in spring, orange in summer, and quickly change to golden yellow. Combine the foliage with dark purple spring flowers.
The fragrant mint-scented foliage and colorful whorled flowers of this member of the mint family are lovely additions to the flower border. Blooms prolifically through the summer months and fills in open spaces readily.
Rich, reddish-purple blooms. Very long blooming.
Hot Pink Tidal Wave® Hybrid Petunia
Grow a flowering hot pink groundcover or hedge. Space plants 12 inches apart to form a hedge of flowers 16 to 22 inches tall. Space plants 24 inches and they’ll spread like a groundcover 8 inches tall and 4 feet wide. Or grow like a vine with a trellis for support.
King Of Hearts Dwarf Bleeding Heart
A long-blooming selection with dark rose-pink blooms. Rich blue-green, fern-like foliage provides a perfect backdrop for the flowers.
Magenta Bliss Solarscape™ Hybrid Impatiens
These easy-care, mounded plants spread up to 20 inches wide and bear oodles of magenta 2 1/2-inch blooms throughout the summer. Ideal for adding just a touch of the tropics to both garden beds and containers
Mighty Chocolate Cherry Astilbe
These easy-care plants display colorful masses of feathery spikes for weeks, usually beginning in midsummer. Their attractive ferny foliage ranges from blue-green to bronze-green tones.
Miss All-American Beauty Hybrid Tea Rose
A true beauty with phenomenal fragrance. Big 5-6 inch cupped blooms are a luscious shade of deep pink to light red and emit a wonderful old rose fragrance.
Flowers from late spring all the way until frost. Upright, bushy plants have soft, airy foliage and produce abundant clusters of rose-pink florets.
Huge numbers of well-rounded 4 to 5-inch flowerheads are produced on compact plants all summer. Foliage is beautifully zoned. Allow 12 to 15 weeks from seed to bloom.
Long-lasting blooms with delicate petals in a lovely shade of plum pink.

Pow Wow Wild Berry will flower the first year from seed and is an intermediate day-length flowering variety with the most rapid and uniform flowering at 14 hours. The plants exhibit superior performance with heavy basal branching that results in more flowers per plant.
A tree in bloom is like a huge, rose-red bouquet. Crimson buds open to bright rose-red flowers.
Bright fuchsia-purple. This gladiolus will delight you with its unusual colors, excellent form, large blooms, and overall dependability.
A vibrant pink, double coneflower for the front of the border. Beginning in midsummer, well-branched plants produce oodles of tufted blooms that measure 4 inches across with their ray petals extended.
Raspberry-red, 6-inch blooms have small, yellow-green throats and are produced in abundance.
Large, deep rose flowerheads are a highlight in the late summer garden. Upright, strong stems with dark, gray-green foliage provide the perfect backdrop for the dramatic blooms.

Pantone Color Institute Executive Director, Leatrice Eiseman says “In this age of technology, we look to draw inspiration from nature and what is real. PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta descends from the red family and is inspired by the red of cochineal, one of the most precious dyes belonging to the natural dye family as well as one of the strongest and brightest the world has known.”
Other Reading Recommendations

- Winter Sowing Garden Guide
- How To Create Winter Container Displays
- Winter Rose Care
- 6 Tips For Perfect Plant Pairings
- Pruning Shrubs In Winter
- Guide To Winter Mulching

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