Vegetable gardening is a great way to access healthy food, but many of us have limited space, making it difficult to grow our favorite produce. One way to address this problem is to grow vertically. You can train many veggies to grow upward instead of outward. Vertical growing conserves space and improves plant health, leading to a bountiful harvest. Whether gardening on a balcony or a small yard, growing vertical offers options to increase your yield and be creative. Benefits of Growing Vertically Space I enjoy growing cucumbers, but they occupy too much space in my small, raised beds. One […]
Category: Vegetable Gardening
Grow Your Own Cucumbers – 3 Types For Your Garden
Cucumber breeders have been busy, in the last few decades, trying to limit bitter taste, increase yields, and breed more disease resistance into their plants. There are now three cucumber varieties commonly available; Monoecious, Gynoecious, and Parthenocarpic. Each has its own specific qualities that will appeal to certain kinds of gardeners and growers. Monoecious What Are Monoecious Cucumbers? Monoecious types are plants that produce both male and female flowers on the same plant. Monoecious Varieties Examples of monoecious Jung Seed Co. cucumber varieties are; ‘Homemade Pickles’, ‘Muncher’, and ‘Spacemaster 80 Bush’. Most heritage and heirloom-type cucumber varieties are monoecious. They […]
Tomatoes: Starting & Growing Frequently Asked Questions
Tomatoes are a popular choice for a vegetable garden. They come in a variety of types, sizes, and colors. They are great for cooking, canning, and eating raw. Growing tomatoes doesn’t have to be difficult. We’ve taken some of the most frequently asked questions to help give you a great start to this year’s growing season. When Should You Start The Tomato Seed Indoors? Tomato seeds should be started approximately 6 weeks prior to your last average frost date. How Long Does It Take For A Tomato Seed To Germinate? Most tomato seeds will germinate in about a week. What […]
Growing Vegetables Indoors From Seed
When I was younger, I discovered a packet of cucumber seeds in the kitchen. Having never grown a plant from seed before, I was eager to plant one and see what would happen. I quickly found a container in the garage and sowed the seed. A few days later, the seedling emerged from the soil and later became a full-sized plant that produced the first cucumber I had ever grown. The excitement of watching one seed grow began my interest in gardening and I’ve been hooked ever since. Growing a plant from seed is one of the most exciting experiences […]
7 Heart-Healthy Foods You Can Grow
February is the month of the heart. We celebrate the special people in our lives with Valentine’s Day. But did you know February is also heart health month? Starting in 1963, heart health month focuses on creating awareness and education of cardiovascular health. One way to improve your heart health is to eat heart-healthy foods. Here are the top seven foods you can grow that are great for your heart. Almonds & Walnuts Almonds and walnuts are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals critical for heart health. They can reduce bad cholesterol and reduce plaque buildup. Walnuts have more antioxidants […]
Choosing The Best Pumpkin Varieties For Halloween
Growing your own pumpkins for Halloween is a fun, easy activity your whole family can enjoy. The first step is deciding what kind of pumpkin you would like to grow. Do you like the classic orange pumpkin? Or perhaps you want something unique? Jung Seed Company has over 44 different pumpkin seed varieties! Let’s take a look at the wide varieties to choose from. Classic Style Pumpkins The classic Halloween Pumpkin is large and orange. It is used for decorations inside or outdoors. Often, it is carved and set outside with a light inside. Here are several varieties perfect for […]
Squash Harvest & Storage Tips
What fall dinner table would be complete without a delicious winter squash dish? Harvesting and curing squash takes time, patience, and a little know-how. Just because the squash has the correct coloration does not necessarily mean that its flesh will taste delicious. If fruits are harvested too soon, they will not have optimal flavor. Their flavor comes from the conversion of starch into sugar and this process is best attained by proper curing and storage after fruits have reached their maturity in the garden. When To Harvest Squash Marking your garden calendar when your squash first sets fruit is the […]
Fall Gardening: End Of Season Tasks
Fall brings shorter days, cooler temperatures, and time to enjoy the bounty of the gardening season. Taking care of some garden tasks in the fall is an excellent way to ensure the garden is at its best for the upcoming spring season. Fall Garden Cleanup As vegetable plants decline, they can be pulled up and added to the compost pile, tilled into the garden to break down, or pulled up and covered with organic mulch. Any plants showing signs of disease or infection are best disposed of or burned to reduce the chances of disease organisms overwintering and promoting problems […]
Fall Planting: Garlic
Garlic is one of the best vegetables for fall planting. It is easy-to-grow, but has a somewhat long season, as it is not harvested until the following summer. Don’t let the delay in harvest put you off from planting this fantastic addition to the vegetable garden. When To Plant Garlic For best yields, garlic is most commonly planted in the fall. Garlic can be planted as late as 4 to 6 weeks before the ground freezes. Even in cold climates, garlic is hardy enough to overwinter and resume growth the following spring. If the weather after planting is mild, garlic shoots may emerge […]
Seed Saving: 4 Important Questions To Consider Before Starting
Saving seeds sounds like a really positive and simple thing to do. It can be rewarding and helpful, but a conscious decision needs to be made way in advance if you are going to grow plants that you can collect seed from. Especially if you are talking about saving vegetable seeds. You will generally want very opposite traits from those plants you choose to grow primarily for consumption. What Seeds Should You Save? Don’t bother saving from hybrids – F1 hybrid offspring don’t come true to type or their seeds are often, just plain sterile. Plants listed as OP – […]