Updated: February 27, 2025 Asparagus is a long-lived perennial plant that can live and produce for a generation if done properly. Preparation is the most important part. Because asparagus is such a long-lived plant, you basically have one shot, at planting to get it right. Our growing guide will provide you with the information you need to help your asparagus get started correctly. Soil Testing Asparagus prefers full sun and soil that is slightly alkaline. Soil pH should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 for the best production. Have a soil test done and adjust with recommended amendments […]
Category: Growing Guides
Growing Perfect Peas
Early spring weather is sometimes cool, inclement, and downright gray. Perfect for peas! If you are a fair-weather gardener, well then, you’ll have to buy your peas at the market. On the other hand, if you want to partake in the best, sweetest tasting peas you have ever had, you will have to ignore or brave the weather and get outdoors in early spring. Of course, early spring planting required additions of proper soil amendments and preparation for peas back in the fall. Major soil cultivation in early spring is important to avoid, especially in clay-loam soils. Excessive compaction becomes […]
Poinsettia Care & Growing Guide
Updated: December 12, 2024 Poinsettias make an excellent holiday gift that, if treated properly, will hold their colorful bracts for many months, giving a long period of display. When given special care, poinsettia plants can be enjoyed for years to come. In recent years, poinsettias have been hybridized to produce numerous varieties with different colored bracts and have become extremely popular holiday decorative plants. As outdoor garden plants in frost-free zones, poinsettias can grow up 3 feet tall or more and range in color from bright red to pink or white. As indoor, seasonal plants most will typically grow from […]
An Easy Guide to Growing Amaryllis
Updated: October 31, 2024 The amaryllis is a gorgeous flower with roots in Greek mythology. Amaryllis was a nymph who fell in love with a handsome shepherd named Alteo and sought to make him enamored with her. With this kind of a background story, it’s no wonder why the amaryllis flower is associated with love and romance. Regardless of the meaning behind this flower, it’s definitely a sight to have in your garden. So if you’re interested in growing amaryllis, then you’re in the right place. Here’s an expert guide to amaryllis growing so you’ll have great success with these […]
How to Harvest Pumpkins (And How to Store Them)
You want to know how to harvest and store pumpkins? Start here first. In the United States, more than 1 billion pounds of pumpkin are produced every single year. Though most pumpkins come from Indiana, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and California, with the right tools anyone can grow them. But the real question is, when and how to harvest pumpkins? For those looking for the best, check out this comprehensive guide on how to harvest pumpkins and how to store them. When to Harvest Pumpkins Most pumpkins take an average of 75 to 115 days until they are ready to harvest. […]
Wildflower Magic: Sowing Perennial Wildflower Seeds For Success
Updated: August 21, 2024 It sounds simple enough; open a packet, bag, or canister of wildflower seeds, sprinkle them out onto the ground, and “presto!” you have a giant patch of wildflowers blooming in a few short weeks. Not so fast. When To Plant Wildflowers First, you need to consider the optimal planting timetable for your wildflower seeds. Sowing at the right time will allow the seeds the best seasonal climate conditions to germinate well. In most zones, wildflower seed sowing season is in the fall, from mid-September to late November is best. This may seem counter-intuitive because after all […]
Iris Growing Guide
Irises are popular, easy-to-grow “old-fashioned” perennials. They are attractive plants for beds and borders but also make lovely cut flowers. Irises attract pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds. Learn more about growing and caring for your iris flowers. Types of Irises There are a number of different types of Iris with a dizzying range of colors, flower forms, and heights. The most familiar type is the bearded iris. Depending on the type of Iris, they grow from either a rhizome or bulb. Dutch Irises are considered bulbous types. Rhizome Irises The stems of the rhizome iris grow horizontally just beneath the […]
Sunflower Guide – Growing, Caring, & Varieties
Sunflowers are popular, easy-to-grow annual flowers. They make good landscape and container plants and are excellent cut flowers. Varieties are available in a number of heights, colors, flower sizes, and flower forms, so they can be used effectively in a range of ways in the garden and landscape. Although most sunflowers are grown as ornamentals, they also produce edible seeds relished by birds, and some varieties are grown primarily for their seeds. There has been increasing interest in growing sunflowers as cut flowers and flowering potted plants for weddings. Because they are easy-to-grow and reasonably fast to bloom, sunflowers make […]
Tomato Growing Guide
Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables. They come in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes, and flavors. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked and are an excellent addition to many recipes. Growing tomatoes can sometimes be a little challenging. This tomato growing guide will answer all your tomato growing questions and more. Starting Your Tomatoes The seed starting process is the most exciting kick-off to the gardening season. Watching your seedlings grow into sturdy, colorful, tasty plants can be fascinating. Scheduling tomato seeding, starting the process correctly, and proper growing on maintenance is important to your tomato […]
Potato Growing Guide
Potatoes are popular vegetables grown for their nutritious underground tubers. Harvested fresh from the garden, they are full of flavor and versatile in cooking. Potatoes are nutritionally high in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and protein, all with no fat. The skin of the potato contains the majority of the potatoes fiber and many of the nutrients are located close to the skin. Follow this potato growing guide and you will see potatoes are easy to grow as long as they have full sun, moderate temperatures, and light, rich, acidic, well-drained soil. Try some of the many varieties with unique colors, […]