An Easy Guide To Forcing Bulbs

Every year I look forward to planting bulbs in the fall. However, waiting for them to bloom requires patience. Fortunately, you can enjoy flowers in the middle of winter without traveling to a warm climate. Many of your favorite bulbs can be forced indoors, allowing you to keep away the winter blues. Before we dive into the specifics, we’ll look at the basics of bulb physiology. The bulbs we plant in fall require a cold period to bloom, which occurs during winter. Bulbs can also receive this cold period through other means, like a refrigerator. Forcing bulbs involves planting them […]

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A Gardener’s Guide To Plant Nutrition

Every gardener knows that plants require several different nutrients to grow, but what specific nutrients do plants use and for what purpose? Here is a little overview and a science refresher. Macronutrients Macronutrients are those that plants need in the most significant amounts. The BIG 3, we call them. Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Potassium. These primary nutrients are represented by the letters from the periodic table of N, P, and K. Nitrogen (N) is the most commonly deficient soil nutrient plants require to produce chlorophyll, proteins, and enzymes for growth and reproduction. Phosphorus (P) is the nutrient that helps the plant regulate […]

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Understanding Plant Diseases

There are dozens of different types of plant diseases that can affect vegetable gardens from coast to coast. Plant diseases should not be a mystery to most gardeners, and yet… all types of gardeners struggle with them every season. Solutions are obvious, but understanding is the first step. Plant Disease Diagnosis Plant disease management starts with proper disease diagnosis. Just like a clinical physician, the doctor will ask, “What symptoms do you have?” In the garden, we must ask, “What symptoms does the plant have?”  Nowadays, you may be able to narrow down the possibilities by looking for examples online […]

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6 Tips For Perfect Plant Pairings

Designing your garden can be a fun and creative experience. There are many things to consider during the planning phase. We have put together six tips to help you get started pairing your plants perfectly. Choose Wisely, Pair Creatively To have success with gardening we must make solid logical, thoughtful decisions, but don’t let those limit your expression of creativity. For artistic and auspicious plant pairings, first, do your homework. Observe, study, and learn about the plants you have and those plants you want to have. Be playful and relaxed about what plants you pair together but choose wisely. Work […]

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Prevent 4 Common Potato Plant Problems

Potatoes are some of the easiest crops for home gardeners to grow, but this does not mean that they can’t have problems. Just like most garden vegetables, the best potato tubers come from the healthiest, well-cared-for plants. Don’t let common garden problems get the best of your potatoes. Be prepared and practice proper prevention to harvest some pretty potatoes this year. Skip The Scab Scab is probably the ugliest named garden disease, and it happens to affect several root-type veggies, but potatoes are impacted most. Scab is caused by soil bacteria called Streptomyces. There are several different pathogens but it’s […]

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Summer Herbs Garden Guide

Herbs are a perfect addition to the garden, offering a combination of fragrance, flavor, and aesthetics. These plants are easy to grow and can be used in various garden settings, like containers and landscape beds. Herbs are normally used to add flavor to food, but many of them offer medicinal value as well. Growing Container Herbs There are numerous benefits to growing herbs in containers. Herbs tend to stay small, making them easy to grow in compact spaces. Consider mixing different herbs to add interest to your pots. For mixed herb pots, it’s good to use plants that have similar […]

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8 Easy Tips For Growing Succulents

Have you forgotten to water your plants? Most of us can remember when we neglected a houseplant, only discovering it was too late to save it. Succulents are plants that thrive on neglect, making them easy to grow and maintain. This group of plants has the unique ability to store water in their leaves, allowing them to go without water for extended periods. Drought tolerance is only one feature of these remarkable plants. Succulents come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, ideal for gardeners with different preferences. Growing succulents is easy, but there are a few things to consider before […]

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Tomatoes: Starting & Growing Frequently Asked Questions

Tomatoes are a popular choice for a vegetable garden. They come in a variety of types, sizes, and colors. They are great for cooking, canning, and eating raw. Growing tomatoes doesn’t have to be difficult. We’ve taken some of the most frequently asked questions to help give you a great start to this year’s growing season. When Should You Start The Tomato Seed Indoors?  Tomato seeds should be started approximately 6 weeks prior to your last average frost date. How Long Does It Take For A Tomato Seed To Germinate? Most tomato seeds will germinate in about a week. What […]

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Bareroot vs Potted Plants: What Is The Difference?

Bareroot or Potted Plants? That Is The Question. Just like Hamlet, who asks himself the simple question, “To be or not to be?”, we sometimes let our minds delve way too deeply into basic questions and we can slip into a sort of contemplative paralysis. Instead of allowing ourselves to be immobilized by such a simple choice, all home gardeners should rejoice at the sheer number of selections and wide availability of plants at our fingertips. A never-ending variety of edible and ornamental shrubs and trees have never been so available to us, thanks to the connectiveness of the internet. […]

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Choosing The Right Vine For The Right Space

Vines and climbing plants have an almost mystical way of enticing us in. They connect us and our man-made structures to the earth. Vines soften hardscapes and can offer a wall of green for privacy. Many vining plants can provide a curtain of nectar flowers for hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators. Some vines are exotic, and some are native that just look like they are exotic. Here are some suggestions and growing tips to make the most out of vines. Selecting Your Location Just like choosing any other garden plant, we must first ask some simple questions; Where will this […]

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