Often considered secondary to flowering perennials, these ornate plants enhance a landscape with richness, color, and texture through stately refinement and grace. They can be added to complement your existing design or as a foundation for an all-new garden. Jung Seed Company is excited to offer eight new plants to adorn the garden. Ferns Perennial ferns come in a variety of colors and shapes. They are an excellent addition to shade gardens. Ferns grow well with hostas and heuchera. Jurassic Gold Fern This fern is full of amazing color transitions. The new foliage emerges in tones of orange then fades […]
Category: Spring Gardening
Create A Mardi Gras Themed Garden
American Mardi Gras first began around 1699 near New Orleans by a French-Canadian explorer named Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville. Although Mardi Gras can be traced back as far as the 17th century in Europe. While it started off with religious practices, it has since become more of a general celebration. Mardi Gras Day is filled with music, parades with floats, parties, and food. Mardi Gras is well known for the colors associated with this celebration – green, purple, and gold. The history behind the colors is a fascinating one dating back to 1872 when the King of the Carnival proclaimed […]
7 Flowering Shrubs Perfect For Your 2022 Garden
As we begin planning our spring gardens, many think about all the beautiful flowers they want to grow. However, did you know shrubs are the foundation of many landscapes? Shrubs do not have to be boring. Jung Seed has seven new shrubs that have real flower power! Coral Miracle™ Rose This rose has a vibrant coral color looks amazing in the landscape. The rounded bushes have dark green, disease-resistant foliage that allows the 3 1/2 inch double blooms to really shine. Self-cleaning plants bloom all summer long, requiring very little maintenance growing to a size of 3 to 4 feet. […]
15 Garden Trends: 2022 Color Of The Year
2022 has arrived! It is time to start planning your garden. Jung Seed has a wide variety of new items this year. How do you choose from so many wonderful options? Why not get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Very Peri, a blueish-purple color. It is described as “displaying carefree confidence and a daring curiosity that animates our creative spirit, inquisitive and intriguing PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri helps us to embrace this altered landscape of possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we rewrite our lives. Rekindling gratitude for […]
An Easy Guide To Fertilizing Blueberry Plants
Fertilizing is one of the requirements your blueberry plant needs to stay healthy and produce delicious fruit. However, there are some guidelines you should follow when applying fertilizers. Here are some of our top tips for fertilizing your blueberry bushes. Types of Fertilizers Proper fertilization of blueberries is just as important as providing them with the proper soil pH. Since blueberries thrive in low soil pH (4.5 – 5.5), it is recommended to choose an acidic, water-soluble fertilizer, similar to what you would feed Azaleas and Rhododendrons like Jack’s Classic® Acid Special with 17-6-6 formulation, or you can utilize Espoma® […]
6 Gardening Activities For Earth Day
For everyone around the world, we experienced hardship and loss in 2020. On April 22, 2021, the world will come together to celebrate our resilience and strength for Earth Day. The theme this year is Restore Our Earth™. What can you do to contribute to making our Earth a greener, healthier place to live? For gardeners, it can start in our own gardens and backyards. Start A Compost Pile Composting is a great way to recycle and reuse your waste products by turning them into organic matter to be used in your garden. Your garden and environment will greatly benefit […]
An Easy Guide To Fruit Tree Rootstocks
Fruit trees take care and patience while waiting for the tree to produce fruit. It can take years before the fruit of your loving labor will appear. The first step is choosing quality fruit tree rootstock. But what is rootstock? Read our easy guide to fruit tree rootstocks to get you started. What Are Rootstocks? Rootstocks are the base and roots of grafted fruit trees. Nearly all productive fruiting type trees are grafted, with the scion (the top fruiting portion) being different from the rootstock (trunk or root material a bud or scion is grafted onto). Although there are some […]
11 Potatoes To Plant On Good Friday
Have you heard the old wives’ tale about planting your potatoes on Good Friday? It is supposed to make your plants grow better and produce more potatoes. There is speculation as to when and where this tradition began. Some of the lore comes from Ireland during the 16th century during which they supposedly would baptize the seed potatoes before planting. The problem with following the old wives’ tale is the timing in your region may not be ready for potato planting. While potatoes can tolerate some cool temperatures, they will not grow well with prolonged freezing temperatures. It is best […]
Sow Seeds of Victory: Planting a Victory Garden
Victory gardens hold a piece of American history. They emerged during a time when food shortages were a very real problem we were facing in the U.S. during World War I and II. Civilians were encouraged to “Grow for Victory” to grow and harvest their own victory produce so that more commercially produced food could be sent to our troops. This was, of course, pre-Facebook sharing era, so the message was passed around in women’s groups and local groups. The government provided pamphlets on how to take care of these war gardens and how to preserve and can foods. Eventually, […]
Honeyberry: The Edible Blue Honeysuckle
What we call Honeyberries are actually a type of fruiting Honeysuckle – Lonicera caerulea, some of which are native to our Pacific Northwest. Haskaps, as they are also called, is the name used by the native Ainu people of the northern islands of Japan, where other subspecies also grow. Their word for them, “Haskaps” translates to “Edible Blue Honeysuckle”. Pretty simple and descriptively accurate. These shrubby fruit-forming honeysuckles are an exciting new option for home gardeners and farm-stand growers. Honeyberries are tough, cold-hardy plants that produce loads of soft, sweet blue elongated berries that can be used and eaten just […]