5 Popular Asparagus Varieties

5 Popular Asparagus Varieties

Asparagus has been cultivated and consumed for thousands of years. It is believed to have originated in the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor and was reportedly cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The cultivation of asparagus in Europe dates back to around the 15th century, and it was brought to the Americas by European colonists in the 16th century. While the exact date for the introduction of asparagus to this country is not known, it is a crop with a long and rich history. We have picked our 5 most popular asparagus varieties at Jung Seed Co to share […]

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An Easy Guide To Planting & Growing Strawberries

An Easy Guide To Planting & Growing Strawberries

Planting and growing strawberries is a rewarding and delicious endeavor. Strawberries are not only easy to grow, but they also produce a sweet, juicy fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary creations. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about planting and growing strawberries from plants. Choosing A Strawberry Type  The first step is choosing the right strawberry type. There are different types of strawberries to choose from, including June-bearing and everbearing/day-neutral. June-bearing strawberries produce fruit in early summer, while everbearing/day-neutral strawberries can produce fruit throughout the growing season, depending on your […]

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An Easy Peasy Guide To Growing Peas

An Easy Peasy Guide To Growing Peas

St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of Irish culture and heritage. One of the most popular ways to do this is by planting peas, a crop that is closely associated with the holiday. Peas are nutritious and delicious vegetables that are easy to grow in a home garden. They are a cool-weather crop that can be planted as early as mid-March, making St. Patrick’s Day the perfect time to get started. St. Patrick’s Day Pea Planting The tradition of planting peas on St. Patrick’s Day has existed for centuries in Ireland. It is said that St. Patrick himself encouraged the […]

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Cutting Flower Garden: Planning, Maintenance, & Preserving

Cutting Flower Garden: Planning, Maintenance, & Preserving

A favorite activity of mine is walking around the landscape on a summer morning and finding flowers and foliage to use as cut flowers. My garden is in northern Wisconsin, where the climate is cold, and deer are plentiful. These conditions make it difficult to grow many flowers. However, I can still find fun bouquets from plants like bleeding hearts, alliums, and even ferns. As gardeners, we have access to various types of plants with beautiful flowers and foliage. What Are Cutting Gardens? Cutting gardens are spaces dedicated to growing plants for floral decorations. These plants can include annuals, perennials, […]

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Spring Gardening: March Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

Spring Gardening: March Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

March is a tough month for gardeners. Signs of spring are showing, with birds returning and bulbs emerging. Unfortunately, winter still appears and keeps us from getting carried away with planting. Regardless of the weather, there’s a variety of gardening tasks you can accomplish this month. Houseplants Pest Control At this point, your houseplants are used to being inside, but you should watch them for signs of insect pests. If your houseplants are becoming leggy, consider moving them to a sunnier part of your house or purchasing a grow light. Keeping your plants healthy will reduce pest and disease problems. […]

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Easy Tips For Pruning Berry Bushes

Easy Tips For Pruning Berry Bushes

It’s hard to beat the taste and quality of homegrown fruit. In recent years, more gardeners have been growing their fruit to reap the reward of harvesting their food. Small berries have many benefits and can be grown in sites with limited space. Whether you’re growing fruit or considering it in the future, pruning is vital for a successful harvest. Why Should I Prune Berry Bushes? Pruning takes practice, but this annual habit will increase production on your plants each year. Your plants may produce fruit without pruning, but they will make less over time as their energy is used […]

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5 Must-Have Flowering Shrubs For Spring

5 Must-Have Flowering Shrubs For Spring

It’s hard to believe, but spring is on the horizon. Soon the landscape will burst into growth, and the birds will return, allowing us to say goodbye to a long winter. One way to enhance your landscape is by adding spring color. Flowering shrubs offer many benefits to the landscape, including the year-round structure and a pop of color in spring. The benefits of flowering shrubs are endless. Each shrub has unique characteristics that provide value to you and your property. Today, we’ll be highlighting shrubs that flower in spring. Azaleas A favorite sight in late spring is the pop […]

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9 Most Popular Flowers for Valentine’s Day

9 Most Popular Flowers for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day originated in the 17th century in Great Britain. During the 18th century, the custom of giving flowers was brought back from Persia by King Charles XII of Sweden. Roses were the primary flower of choice as it was considered the favorite flower of Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty. The tradition has evolved such that many different flowers are given for Valentine’s Day. Here are 9 of the most popular flowers currently being exchanged to express one’s love. Alstroemeria The exotic flowers of Alstroemeria, or Peruvian Lily, are used in cut flower arrangements, but they also make great […]

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8 Popular Evergreens To Grow

8 Popular Evergreens To Grow

Now is the perfect time to observe the evergreens in our landscapes. You may be growing evergreens or would like to grow them. Either way, there are ample benefits to having these unique plants. The leaves of evergreens conserve moisture during summer and winter, allowing them to photosynthesize and provide greenery year-round. You can find evergreens in northern and southern climates. Today, we’ll focus on species suitable for the north, where winters are long and cold. The majority of these conifers are native to the U.S. Arborvitae (Thuga occidentalis) White cedar is a common name for this popular tree. In […]

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Creating Winter Interest In Your Landscapes

Creating Winter Interest In Your Landscapes

Winter can be dreary but also beautiful. In the Midwest, we enjoy the snow that blankets our gardens, creating a peaceful scene for us to enjoy. However, our long winters often have us looking for additional beauty in our landscape. You can use a variety of trees, shrubs, and perennials to add interest to the garden using features that include peeling bark, seedheads, or colorful stems. One example is the River Birch (Betula nigra). My parents have this tree in their yard, and it always stands out when I visit them. The peeling bark is also multicolored, adding to its […]

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