Squash Harvest & Storage Tips

What fall dinner table would be complete without a delicious winter squash dish? Harvesting and curing squash takes time, patience, and a little know-how.  Just because the squash has the correct coloration does not necessarily mean that its flesh will taste delicious.  If fruits are harvested too soon, they will not have optimal flavor. Their flavor comes from the conversion of starch into sugar and this process is best attained by proper curing and storage after fruits have reached their maturity in the garden. When To Harvest Squash Marking your garden calendar when your squash first sets fruit is the […]

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8 Tips For Bringing Houseplants Indoors For The Winter

As cooler temperatures settle in, it’s time to bring houseplants back indoors. Here are some helpful guidelines to make the transition successful. Temperature 45°F is the tipping point. When nighttime temperatures start to dip consistently you need a plan to tuck in your houseplants indoors for the winter. Cleaning Wash plants and pots thoroughly. Hose off all foliage, sides, and bottom of the pot. Pest Control Attempt to remove any unwanted pests or critters that have taken up residence in or on your plant. If you are finding some soft-bodied pests like aphids, spider mites, or mealy bugs, spray the […]

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Fall Gardening: End Of Season Tasks

Fall brings shorter days, cooler temperatures, and time to enjoy the bounty of the gardening season. Taking care of some garden tasks in the fall is an excellent way to ensure the garden is at its best for the upcoming spring season. Fall Garden Cleanup As vegetable plants decline, they can be pulled up and added to the compost pile, tilled into the garden to break down, or pulled up and covered with organic mulch. Any plants showing signs of disease or infection are best disposed of or burned to reduce the chances of disease organisms overwintering and promoting problems […]

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Fall Planting: Garlic

Garlic is one of the best vegetables for fall planting. It is easy-to-grow, but has a somewhat long season, as it is not harvested until the following summer. Don’t let the delay in harvest put you off from planting this fantastic addition to the vegetable garden. When To Plant Garlic For best yields, garlic is most commonly planted in the fall. Garlic can be planted as late as 4 to 6 weeks before the ground freezes. Even in cold climates, garlic is hardy enough to overwinter and resume growth the following spring. If the weather after planting is mild, garlic shoots may emerge […]

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11 Exciting New Irises – Available Fall 2021

Irises are some of the most popular perennials. Jung Seed is excited to offer 11 new varieties to share with our gardening enthusiasts. These new Irises are beautiful, bold, colorful, and unique. They will make the perfect addition to your flower garden. Absolute Treasure is heavily ruffled with fragrant blooms. It has sky blue standards and matching falls. The color of the falls fades to white towards the centers. Blooms midseason Grows 42″ tall. Blatant has bicolor flowers with bright yellow standards and purple-pink falls. Blooms midseason and reblooms. Grows 36” tall. City Lights has a deep violet-blue color with […]

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12 New Perennials For Fall Planting

Perennials are a wonderful way to add color and texture to your garden. As the weather begins to get cooler, you still have time to plant perennials so they can bloom come springtime. We have some exciting new fall perennials available for fall 2021. Here is a list of some of our favorites. The Artful Accents Mixed Allium is a delightful mix of three different colors! Enjoy baseball-sized, coordinating blooms in white, lilac-purple, and dark violet-purple. All bloom late to very late in the spring season and grow 24 to 48 inches tall. (Zone 3-8) Astilbes are some of the […]

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8 Tips To Growing & Caring For Peonies

Peonies are perennials that come back every year blooming from spring to summer. They are long-lived investments, not to be dealt with haphazardly. Some peonies live over 100 years and are still thriving! Here are a few things you need to pay close attention to growing beautiful peonies. Types of Peonies Several different types of Peonies are available to grace our gardens and landscapes. Some of the most common garden peonies are Herbaceous, Tree (Woody), or Intersectionals, which are referred to as ‘Itoh’ Peonies after Mr. Toichi Itoh from Japan, who was the first person to successfully cross herbaceous types […]

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Fall Gardening Guide: Tips To Get Your Fall Vegetable Garden Started

Every year, gardeners rejoice at the arrival of the fall planting season. Many newer gardeners do not know that almost anything you plant in spring, can also be planted in fall. Fall planting is best for plants that can withstand light frosts, grow well in short daylight, and prosper in mild temperatures. Whether you’re planting flowers, vegetables, or fruit this fall, follow these expert tips and you’ll have healthier plants. 5 Tips For Fall Gardening Know Your Gardening Zone Before planting you should check planting zones to ensure your garden achieves maximum success. These gardening zones will help you determine […]

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6 Tips For Storing Bulbs During Winter

Not all plants that grow from bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, or corms are perennial in cold climates of the U.S. However, with a bit of effort and proper digging and storing procedures, these plants can be lifted and properly stored for winter to be planted out the next spring. Engaged gardeners in USDA zone 6 and colder, have been doing this for centuries. It is necessary for cold climates unless you choose to plant them as annuals. Which Bulbs Should I Dig Up For Winter Storage? Alocasia & Colocasia – Elephant Ears Begonias, Tuberous Calla Lily Cannas Dahlia Gladiolus The Importance […]

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Fall Composting For Beginners

Savvy gardeners know, the key to a great garden is healthy soil. Done correctly, compost is the magic potion that provides gardens with nutrients and valuable microorganisms.  It makes it easier for soil to accept and retain water, helps stabilize soil pH, and can even protect plants against some pests and diseases. When compost is sometimes referred to as “garden gold” or “black gold”, it’s no exaggeration. Nature makes compost all the time – it is a natural method of recycling created by bacteria and other soil-borne organisms as they break down organic matter. Walkthrough any forest floor and scrape […]

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