Spring Gardening: March Garden Checklist Zones 3-6

March is a tough month for gardeners. Signs of spring are showing, with birds returning and bulbs emerging. Unfortunately, winter still appears and keeps us from getting carried away with planting. Regardless of the weather, there’s a variety of gardening tasks you can accomplish this month. Houseplants Pest Control At this point, your houseplants are used to being inside, but you should watch them for signs of insect pests. If your houseplants are becoming leggy, consider moving them to a sunnier part of your house or purchasing a grow light. Keeping your plants healthy will reduce pest and disease problems. […]

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Garden Trends: Color of the Year 2023

As you start planning your garden for 2023, there are many new items available at Jung Seed. With so many choices to choose from how do you decide? One way would be to get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Viva Magenta. It is described as “a new animated red that revels in pure joy, encouraging experimentation and self-expression without restraint, an electrifying, and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement. PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta welcomes anyone and everyone with the same verve for life and rebellious spirit. It […]

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Late Bloomers: Keeping Landscapes in Color

Perennials are a staple of the garden, and each year they come back to impress us with their floral display. I look forward to the spectacular blooms on my perennials every year, as do many of you. Creating consistent colors in the garden can be a challenge. Perhaps your garden is full of spring-blooming perennials that look gorgeous in May, but those blooms soon fade, leaving you little color to enjoy in summer. You can solve this problem by planting long-blooming perennials. Here are a few plants to count on for long-lasting color. Rozanne Geranium Hardy Geraniums come in many […]

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7 Irises To Get Excited About Fall 2022

It is time to start planning for your spring blooming flower garden. One of the most beautiful and popular flowers is the Bearded Iris. The best time to plant is late summer to early autumn. Jung Seed has several new Irises this year selected for their beauty and overall performance. Best Bet German Bearded Iris Best Bet German Bearded Iris has light blue standards that are a sharp contrast with the falls of near navy blue. It is a vigorous grower that produces huge blooms. Early season and rebloom. Grows to 36 inches. Zones: 3 to 9 Cherry Blossom Song […]

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6 Tips For Perfect Plant Pairings

Updated: December 12, 2024 Designing your garden can be a fun and creative experience. There are many things to consider during the planning phase. We have put together six tips to help you get started pairing your plants perfectly. Choose Wisely, Pair Creatively To have success with gardening we must make solid logical, thoughtful decisions, but don’t let those limit your expression of creativity. For artistic and auspicious plant pairings, first, do your homework. Observe, study, and learn about the plants you have and those plants you want to have. Be playful and relaxed about what plants you pair together […]

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Choosing The Right Vine For The Right Space

Vines and climbing plants have an almost mystical way of enticing us in. They connect us and our man-made structures to the earth. Vines soften hardscapes and can offer a wall of green for privacy. Many vining plants can provide a curtain of nectar flowers for hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators. Some vines are exotic, and some are native that just look like they are exotic. Here are some suggestions and growing tips to make the most out of vines. Selecting Your Location Just like choosing any other garden plant, we must first ask some simple questions; Where will this […]

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Create A Mardi Gras Themed Garden

American Mardi Gras first began around 1699 near New Orleans by a French-Canadian explorer named Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville. Although Mardi Gras can be traced back as far as the 17th century in Europe. While it started off with religious practices, it has since become more of a general celebration. Mardi Gras Day is filled with music, parades with floats, parties, and food. Mardi Gras is well known for the colors associated with this celebration – green, purple, and gold. The history behind the colors is a fascinating one dating back to 1872 when the King of the Carnival proclaimed […]

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15 Garden Trends: 2022 Color Of The Year

2022 has arrived! It is time to start planning your garden. Jung Seed has a wide variety of new items this year. How do you choose from so many wonderful options? Why not get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Very Peri, a blueish-purple color. It is described as “displaying carefree confidence and a daring curiosity that animates our creative spirit, inquisitive and intriguing PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri helps us to embrace this altered landscape of possibilities, opening us up to a new vision as we rewrite our lives. Rekindling gratitude for […]

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11 Exciting New Irises – Available Fall 2021

Irises are some of the most popular perennials. Jung Seed is excited to offer 11 new varieties to share with our gardening enthusiasts. These new Irises are beautiful, bold, colorful, and unique. They will make the perfect addition to your flower garden. Absolute Treasure is heavily ruffled with fragrant blooms. It has sky blue standards and matching falls. The color of the falls fades to white towards the centers. Blooms midseason Grows 42″ tall. Blatant has bicolor flowers with bright yellow standards and purple-pink falls. Blooms midseason and reblooms. Grows 36” tall. City Lights has a deep violet-blue color with […]

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Seed Saving: 4 Important Questions To Consider Before Starting

Saving seeds sounds like a really positive and simple thing to do. It can be rewarding and helpful, but a conscious decision needs to be made way in advance if you are going to grow plants that you can collect seed from.  Especially if you are talking about saving vegetable seeds. You will generally want very opposite traits from those plants you choose to grow primarily for consumption. What Seeds Should You Save? Don’t bother saving from hybrids – F1 hybrid offspring don’t come true to type or their seeds are often, just plain sterile. Plants listed as OP – […]

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