An Easy Guide To Planting & Growing Strawberries

Planting and growing strawberries is a rewarding and delicious endeavor. Strawberries are not only easy to grow, but they also produce a sweet, juicy fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or used in various culinary creations. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about planting and growing strawberries from plants. Choosing A Strawberry Type  The first step is choosing the right strawberry type. There are different types of strawberries to choose from, including June-bearing and everbearing/day-neutral. June-bearing strawberries produce fruit in early summer, while everbearing/day-neutral strawberries can produce fruit throughout the growing season, depending on your […]

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5 Must-Have Flowering Shrubs For Spring

It’s hard to believe, but spring is on the horizon. Soon the landscape will burst into growth, and the birds will return, allowing us to say goodbye to a long winter. One way to enhance your landscape is by adding spring color. Flowering shrubs offer many benefits to the landscape, including the year-round structure and a pop of color in spring. The benefits of flowering shrubs are endless. Each shrub has unique characteristics that provide value to you and your property. Today, we’ll be highlighting shrubs that flower in spring. Azaleas A favorite sight in late spring is the pop […]

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8 Popular Evergreens To Grow

Now is the perfect time to observe the evergreens in our landscapes. You may be growing evergreens or would like to grow them. Either way, there are ample benefits to having these unique plants. The leaves of evergreens conserve moisture during summer and winter, allowing them to photosynthesize and provide greenery year-round. You can find evergreens in northern and southern climates. Today, we’ll focus on species suitable for the north, where winters are long and cold. The majority of these conifers are native to the U.S. Arborvitae (Thuga occidentalis) White cedar is a common name for this popular tree. In […]

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Popcorn Growing Guide

National popcorn day is here, and one of the best ways to enjoy this delicious treat is by growing it in your garden. Jung Seed has several varieties that provide ornamental value and a tasty snack. Today, we’ll look at how to grow and harvest popcorn from the garden while examining the unique types you can grow. What Is Popcorn? Many of you are familiar with this popular food, but what makes popcorn different than sweet corn? Popcorn is a type of corn with smaller kernels than other corn. Another key difference is their harvest time. Unlike sweet corn, popcorn […]

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Garden Trends: Color of the Year 2023

As you start planning your garden for 2023, there are many new items available at Jung Seed. With so many choices to choose from how do you decide? One way would be to get some inspiration from the new Color of the Year! This year Pantone has chosen Viva Magenta. It is described as “a new animated red that revels in pure joy, encouraging experimentation and self-expression without restraint, an electrifying, and a boundaryless shade that is manifesting as a stand-out statement. PANTONE 18-1750 Viva Magenta welcomes anyone and everyone with the same verve for life and rebellious spirit. It […]

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8 Useful Tools For Your Garden

December is the perfect time to reflect on the previous gardening season. What plants grew well? Do some areas of the garden need improvement? Another question to consider is how you can garden more efficiently. Gardening is intense physical work that can leave us feeling sore at the end of the day, making it essential to use the right tools. Whether using the standard trowel or a new item, various gardening tools help every gardener. The Importance of Garden Tools In my work as a horticulturist, I often hear the phrase “ergonomics.” This term means “the study of people’s efficiency […]

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Late Bloomers: Keeping Landscapes in Color

Perennials are a staple of the garden, and each year they come back to impress us with their floral display. I look forward to the spectacular blooms on my perennials every year, as do many of you. Creating consistent colors in the garden can be a challenge. Perhaps your garden is full of spring-blooming perennials that look gorgeous in May, but those blooms soon fade, leaving you little color to enjoy in summer. You can solve this problem by planting long-blooming perennials. Here are a few plants to count on for long-lasting color. Rozanne Geranium Hardy Geraniums come in many […]

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7 Irises To Get Excited About Fall 2022

It is time to start planning for your spring blooming flower garden. One of the most beautiful and popular flowers is the Bearded Iris. The best time to plant is late summer to early autumn. Jung Seed has several new Irises this year selected for their beauty and overall performance. Best Bet German Bearded Iris Best Bet German Bearded Iris has light blue standards that are a sharp contrast with the falls of near navy blue. It is a vigorous grower that produces huge blooms. Early season and rebloom. Grows to 36 inches. Zones: 3 to 9 Cherry Blossom Song […]

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A Gardener’s Guide To Plant Nutrition

Every gardener knows that plants require several different nutrients to grow, but what specific nutrients do plants use and for what purpose? Here is a little overview and a science refresher. Macronutrients Macronutrients are those that plants need in the most significant amounts. The BIG 3, we call them. Nitrogen. Phosphorus. Potassium. These primary nutrients are represented by the letters from the periodic table of N, P, and K. Nitrogen (N) is the most commonly deficient soil nutrient plants require to produce chlorophyll, proteins, and enzymes for growth and reproduction. Phosphorus (P) is the nutrient that helps the plant regulate […]

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Understanding Plant Diseases

There are dozens of different types of plant diseases that can affect vegetable gardens from coast to coast. Plant diseases should not be a mystery to most gardeners, and yet… all types of gardeners struggle with them every season. Solutions are obvious, but understanding is the first step. Plant Disease Diagnosis Plant disease management starts with proper disease diagnosis. Just like a clinical physician, the doctor will ask, “What symptoms do you have?” In the garden, we must ask, “What symptoms does the plant have?”  Nowadays, you may be able to narrow down the possibilities by looking for examples online […]

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