How To Prevent Yellow Shoulder Disorder On Tomatoes

Tomatoes are fun and rewarding to grow. There can be challenges along the way such as diseases and pests. Two of the most common tomato disorders you will likely battle are Blossom-End Rot and Yellow Shoulder (sometimes called Green Shoulder). This article will help you learn how to identify Yellow Shoulder, how to prevent it, and what tomato varieties to choose that are less susceptible to Yellow Shoulder. Disease vs Disorder The first thing to know is Yellow Shoulder is not a disease; it is a disorder. It is an important distinction to make because 99% of disorders can be […]

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How To Prevent Bolting In Vegetable Crops

Why is my broccoli making flowers instead of nice round heads?  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts are all Cole crops. They perform best in the cool temperatures of early spring vs other warm-weather summer garden vegetables like tomato, pepper, eggplant, squash, cucumbers, and such. Sometimes Cole crops will bolt before we can harvest. Can we prevent bolting? Read on to learn how to prevent bolting in Cole crops. What Is Bolting? Bolting is blooming. The flowering of many winter annual and biennial Cole crops is influenced by complex interactions between temperature, day length, and stresses of various kinds. […]

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Easy To Grow Salsa Garden

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday celebrated in the United States and some parts of Mexico to honor the military victory at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Celebrating in the United States, usually involves families and friends gathering together to eat some delicious Mexican foods. What better way to celebrate than with fresh salsa grown in your very own garden. Salsa gardens are fairly easy to grow and can be an enjoyable activity for the whole family. Nothing beats fresh vegetables and herbs used to create your favorite salsa. Concerned about having room for your salsa garden? You can […]

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6 Gardening Activities For Earth Day

For everyone around the world, we experienced hardship and loss in 2020. On April 22, 2021, the world will come together to celebrate our resilience and strength for Earth Day. The theme this year is Restore Our Earth™. What can you do to contribute to making our Earth a greener, healthier place to live? For gardeners, it can start in our own gardens and backyards. Start A Compost Pile Composting is a great way to recycle and reuse your waste products by turning them into organic matter to be used in your garden. Your garden and environment will greatly benefit […]

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11 Potatoes To Plant On Good Friday

Have you heard the old wives’ tale about planting your potatoes on Good Friday? It is supposed to make your plants grow better and produce more potatoes. There is speculation as to when and where this tradition began. Some of the lore comes from Ireland during the 16th century during which they supposedly would baptize the seed potatoes before planting.  The problem with following the old wives’ tale is the timing in your region may not be ready for potato planting. While potatoes can tolerate some cool temperatures, they will not grow well with prolonged freezing temperatures. It is best […]

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Sow Seeds of Victory: Planting a Victory Garden

Victory gardens hold a piece of American history. They emerged during a time when food shortages were a very real problem we were facing in the U.S. during World War I and II. Civilians were encouraged to “Grow for Victory” to grow and harvest their own victory produce so that more commercially produced food could be sent to our troops. This was, of course, pre-Facebook sharing era, so the message was passed around in women’s groups and local groups. The government provided pamphlets on how to take care of these war gardens and how to preserve and can foods. Eventually, […]

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Asparagus: An Easy Growing Guide

Asparagus is a long-lived perennial plant that can live and produce for a generation if done properly. Preparation is the most important part. Because asparagus is such a long-lived plant, you basically have one shot, at planting to get it right. Our growing guide will provide you with the information you need to help your asparagus get started correctly. Soil Testing Asparagus prefers full sun and soil that is slightly alkaline. Soil pH should be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5 for the best production. Have a soil test done and adjust with recommended amendments as needed. You should […]

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Cool Season Crops: Growing Tips

Plucking a bright red, plump, and juicy tomato off the vine with the warm summer sun beating down on the back of your neck is the type of pleasant act most folks associate with gardening. There is no question that warm weather crops like sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, and watermelon are some of our favorite and most recognizable types of produce that we love to harvest out of our gardens. However, the other half or more of the veggies we love to grow are known as cool-season crops. What Are Cool Seasons Crops Cool-season crops prefer to grow in temperatures […]

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Growing Perfect Peas

Early spring weather is sometimes cool, inclement, and downright gray. Perfect for peas! If you are a fair-weather gardener, well then, you’ll have to buy your peas at the market. On the other hand, if you want to partake in the best, sweetest tasting peas you have ever had, you will have to ignore or brave the weather and get outdoors in early spring. Of course, early spring planting required additions of proper soil amendments and preparation for peas back in the fall. Major soil cultivation in early spring is important to avoid, especially in clay-loam soils. Excessive compaction becomes […]

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22 Easy To Grow Vegetable Seeds

Last year we saw more new people join our Jung gardening family than ever before! Helping gardeners on their growing journey is one of our favorite parts of the job. An aspect of garden planning that can be challenging to all gardeners is what varieties of seeds to try in their garden. There are thousands of choices and plenty of time and research can go into this decision. To help our gardening friends find the answer to the ongoing questions of what should I grow? And which seeds varieties are best for my garden? We created a new seed collection […]

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