Every year, gardeners rejoice at the arrival of the fall planting season. Many newer gardeners do not know that almost anything you plant in spring, can also be planted in fall. Fall planting is best for plants that can withstand light frosts, grow well in short daylight, and prosper in mild temperatures. Whether you’re planting flowers, vegetables, or fruit this fall, follow these expert tips and you’ll have healthier plants. 5 Tips For Fall Gardening Know Your Gardening Zone Before planting you should check planting zones to ensure your garden achieves maximum success. These gardening zones will help you determine […]
Summer Vegetable Gardening: Common Problems & Solutions
We know this time of year the weather can get hot. For us, we can stay cool by being indoors but what about our vegetable plants? Problems With Higher Temperatures High temperatures can wreak havoc in our gardens. Do you have radishes producing all greens and no bulbous roots? It’s the heat. Do you have lettuce or broccoli plants pushing up bloom stalks? They are bolting from the heat. The solution to these couple of examples is simple, plant earlier in the spring and replant additional crops for fall harvest. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Gardening is tough enough to […]
Garden Pests: Japanese Beetles
Updated: July 9, 2024 Beating beetles back has become a necessary task added to most gardening routines nowadays. The reality is, for some years they will be very abundant and others less. Their numbers and pressure are cumulative. Effective control and management hinge on a multi-pronged approach to diminish their numbers. History Of The Japanese Beetle The Japanese Beetle comes from the island of Japan. In the early 1900s, it was illegal to import plants with soil. However, someone broke the law and brought Japanese Iris to the United States with it came some Japanese Beetle larvae. By 1916, nurseries […]
Allium: Natural Fireworks For Your Garden
Allium, or Ornamental Onion, is a hardy perennial bulb. There are multiple forms grown for their attractive flowers in garden borders, as specimen plants, and for cut and dry flowers. Their starry “fireworks” flower umbels are often large and provide color and attraction on plants ranging from dwarf to tall. The plants will flower in late spring or early summer. Most are hardy in zones 4 to 8. 8 Tips For Planting & Caring For Allium Season Allium bulbs are usually planted in fall, but some types can be spring planted. Depth & Spacing Place the bulbs pointed end up, […]
How To Manage Common Watermelon Fungal & Bacterial Diseases
Watermelon and other cucurbit plants can become infected with numerous, common fungal and bacterial pathogens. Many have similar but observably different symptoms. This article is a quick and helpful guide toward possible identification and diagnosis. Do The Diseases Come From The Watermelon Seed? Some of these pathogens can be seed-borne and although at Jung Seed Company we procure all our seeds from reputable sources, and rigorously test for germination standards many pathogens such as Bacterial Fruit Blotch, may be present on a seed coat without our knowledge. This is true for any seed you may purchase. So, no matter where […]
12 Most Popular Gardening Gifts For Father’s Day
Father’s Day was created in the early 1900s. It is celebrated on the third Sunday of June. The holiday was created to honor fatherhood. Cards, gifts, and a special dinner are often how Father’s Day is celebrated in the United States. Choosing the perfect Father’s Day gift can be challenging when your father is a gardening enthusiast. We’ve selected some of our most popular items your favorite gardener will enjoy for years to come. Gift Certificates Jung Seed gift certificates are the perfect gift for Father’s Day. They are delivered via email, available in any increment, and never expire! Father’s […]
How To Prevent Yellow Shoulder Disorder On Tomatoes
Tomatoes are fun and rewarding to grow. There can be challenges along the way such as diseases and pests. Two of the most common tomato disorders you will likely battle are Blossom-End Rot and Yellow Shoulder (sometimes called Green Shoulder). This article will help you learn how to identify Yellow Shoulder, how to prevent it, and what tomato varieties to choose that are less susceptible to Yellow Shoulder. Disease vs Disorder The first thing to know is Yellow Shoulder is not a disease; it is a disorder. It is an important distinction to make because 99% of disorders can be […]
How To Prevent Bolting In Vegetable Crops
Why is my broccoli making flowers instead of nice round heads? Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts are all Cole crops. They perform best in the cool temperatures of early spring vs other warm-weather summer garden vegetables like tomato, pepper, eggplant, squash, cucumbers, and such. Sometimes Cole crops will bolt before we can harvest. Can we prevent bolting? Read on to learn how to prevent bolting in Cole crops. What Is Bolting? Bolting is blooming. The flowering of many winter annual and biennial Cole crops is influenced by complex interactions between temperature, day length, and stresses of various kinds. […]
An Easy Guide To Fertilizing Blueberry Plants
Fertilizing is one of the requirements your blueberry plant needs to stay healthy and produce delicious fruit. However, there are some guidelines you should follow when applying fertilizers. Here are some of our top tips for fertilizing your blueberry bushes. Types of Fertilizers Proper fertilization of blueberries is just as important as providing them with the proper soil pH. Since blueberries thrive in low soil pH (4.5 – 5.5), it is recommended to choose an acidic, water-soluble fertilizer, similar to what you would feed Azaleas and Rhododendrons like Jack’s Classic® Acid Special with 17-6-6 formulation, or you can utilize Espoma® […]
Black Rot On Grapes: Prevention & Management
Black Rot, the most widespread disease of grapes, often causes grapes to turn brown and shrivel. It is extremely difficult to control and is the number one enemy of commercial growers and home gardeners alike. This article will help guide you to identifying, preventing, and management of Black Rot on grapes. What Is Black Rot? Black Rot is the most common fungal disease grapes can get. It is caused by the fungus Guignarida bidwellii. It is a cumulative disease, meaning it builds up for multiple seasons and can very often spread, undetected by many growers until it is a major […]