How to Overwinter Perennial Mums

Garden mums, or Chrysanthemums, are the quintessential flowering plant that helps folks to usher in fall. They add a spot of hopeful color to the fall garden and provide grateful seasonal cheer to our home décor. Along with this seasonal cheer, mums also provide us with joy and positivity, which we can all use right about now.  Many people treat their seasonal mums as a temporary decorative plant, only to dispose of it when their flowers finally fade. But know this, with some fall preparation and winter care, your mums can come back blooming year after year in your garden. […]

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Fall Planting – Potted Perennials

Perennials can add color and foliage texture to your landscape, but be sure to make sure the perennial chosen is suited for the sun and moisture that the location receives. The soil also needs to be well-drained for the plant to thrive. Many perennials can be low maintenance and can add color in season. Most perennials are either spring, summer, or fall bloomers and the other seasons can add different foliage textures to your landscape. Growing Potted Perennials Soil Preparation Proper soil preparation is necessary for the long-term survival of perennial plants. If you have well-drained soil like sandy soil […]

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Iris Growing Guide

Irises are popular, easy-to-grow “old-fashioned” perennials. They are attractive plants for beds and borders but also make lovely cut flowers. Irises attract pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds. Learn more about growing and caring for your iris flowers. Types of Irises There are a number of different types of Iris with a dizzying range of colors, flower forms, and heights. The most familiar type is the bearded iris. Depending on the type of Iris, they grow from either a rhizome or bulb.  Dutch Irises are considered bulbous types. Rhizome Irises The stems of the rhizome iris grow horizontally just beneath the […]

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